Chapter 53

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Despite being away from Jack all day today, I was kept busy so I couldn't stop and place some worry on whether or not she and Chelsea had located Caroline earlier today. I knew that Carson and Damien were going to be at our home and keeping Jack occupied but when my phone bleeped with a text message with Jack's name lighting up my screen, it brought a smile to my face. "I miss you. I'm looking forward to calling you my wife." Those simple words lit up my world and my heart thudded hard in my chest. I'm not willing to engage in a back-and-forth text message session and I am really wanting to see Jack, but superstition gets in the way of that, so I called her instead. "Well, hey there."

"I miss you too."

"Glad to hear it. Did you had a good day?"

"I have. Do you have any news on Caroline? I didn't want to pry." I had been on tender hooks all day wondering if they tracked her down, hoping that she is fine, well as fine as she can be.

"We did. When we left, they were on a frantic let's see if Ronnie still has her suit at home. If not they will no doubt dash out to the shops and get something to wear if she hasn't." Jack let out a little chuckle and then let out a breath. "Caroline is putting a face on it. She was injured, but not too seriously. She's been recuperating at Ronnie's and had her phone shut off to the world, her girlfriend included."

"I can't begin to imagine what she has gone through." My mind flitted between scenario's and I knew that was dangerous territory.

"Get out of your head Ellie."


"I know you, remember? Tomorrow you are becoming my wife and I intend to keep learning new things about you and enjoying our life experience together." Jack melts my heart every single time and once I finally gave in to punishing myself for denying my feelings for her, my life changed tremendously.

"I know you do." I heard Carson shouting in the background and I chuckled. "I best let you go; Carson will have a hairy canary if we keep chatting on the phone. I love you Jack; I will see you tomorrow."

"You can count on that babe." We struggled to say goodbye, and when I hung up the phone, I struggled to recall the last time we honestly spent time apart. Even if we were mad at each other after an argument, we were always under the same roof. Then the realisation hit me, we haven't been apart, not really since Jack asked me to move in with her whilst I worked on myself.

I feel fortunate that Jack was in my life, that tomorrow she will become my wife. I never in a million years thought I would end up marrying Carson's sister, never mind a woman. Jack had been in and out of my life in passing until Carson wanted her bachelorette party and then the rest is history. Jack the only woman that I have been with and intend to be with for the rest of my life. The heart knows what it wants, and despite me fighting it for so long, the pull was too strong and as I smiled to myself, lying back on the bed, closing my eyes, tomorrow, I'm going to be a married woman to the only woman who made me feel worthy.

My eyes glanced over to my dress hanging from the wardrobe and I smiled. I looked at my door as it opened, and Liv popped her head in. "I didn't want to disturb your chat with Jack."

"How...? Never mind. It's okay. What's up?"

"Come back downstairs, have a nightcap with Carmen and I and then you can shut those eyes of yours and dream of your future with your wife." I chuckled, nodded my head and got up off the bed, somehow I knew that Liv wouldn't let me go too wild with having a nightcap.

Wedding Day


I let out the largest breath possible as I let out my nerves. Patiently waiting for Ellie to walk out the doors and towards me. Carson shot me a wink and I smiled back at her. I know Ellie will be here but waiting on her was sure as hell nerve wracking. Then the music started, and I didn't look up to the doors, I knew I would fall apart at the sight of her.

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