Part 11

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Radio silence. The next few weeks felt like that as Ellie would only say hello in passing at dance rehearsals and Grant had turned up to every single rehearsal and turned on the charm. Being a little over charming in my opinion but when I thought about it, I was only starting to get to know Ellie. I brought my files that she wanted and when my phone rang, I answered it and got an annoyed look from Carson. "Sorry, but I have to go. Can you give Ellie these?"

"Why? Where are you going?"

"There's been an accident on site, and I need to be there. This is my livelihood we are talking about sis." Carson understood, I knew she would, and I darted out of the dance studio.


Jack ran past Grant and I and to be fair, I don't think she seen us, but she looked concerned and jumped into her car and shot off like a rocket. Grant tugged my hand, and we went into the dance studio and said hello to everyone, and I went over to speak to Carson. "Is Jack okay? She just bolted passed us."

"Hmmm? Oh yeah. There has been an accident on her site, so she has to go and check it out. She asked me to give you this?"

"Ah her books. Great, I will look over them."

"I'm not being funny Ellie, but are you okay? You've been a little off since the other week when Damien punched Grant." Truth be told, I wasn't. There was a lot going on and no one knew, and I didn't want to start unloading my soul to Carson. I was absolutely mortified that day Grant called Jack a dyke and whilst I've yet to speak to Jack about it, I'm not ready to divulge any other information.

"I'm good, I promise. I have just been overloaded with work, dance rehearsals and Grant and I have been attending couples therapy." It's a bust the therapy. I honestly thought it would work and it's made Grant even more unbearable to be around.

"As long as you are sure. Oh, everyone else is here, let's get dancing!" I chuckled at Carson's enthusiasm and took my spot on the dancefloor.

From an outsider looking in, Grant looks like he is on his best behaviour. Listening to the dance instructors, copying moves well, holding me close, apparently whispering sweet nothings in my ear. In reality, they weren't sweet nothings. They were derogatory and I felt my self-esteem slipping further down this slippery slope I seem to have found myself on. Before I knew it, the session was over and knew we would be heading back home. I felt heavy hearted as being amongst friends is only when I am genuinely happy these days. "Do you two want to go and grab some dinner?"

"No thanks, Ellie and I have plans already." I shot Grant a look and he gave me his charming smile and I nodded my head. God only knows what he has planned for us. I can't imagine it will be anything worth shouting from the rooftops from. Allowing Grant to hold my hand, we left the dance studio and made our way to the car. I'm dreading to ask what he has planned for tonight.


I'm not sure what is going on between Ellie and Grant and I'm sure it's something we need to keep an eye on. But I can only help if Ellie opens up and she claims that things are fine. Damien and I had gone out for dinner and we were walking passed the pub when a familiar body was propping up the local bar. Jack. She was swirling her JD and coke in her glass and looking rather subdued. I looked at Damien and indicated that I had seen Jack and he nodded his head. We flanked Jack at either side and as she looked up she gave us a small smile. "Bad day?"

"It could have been a whole lot worse, thankfully no regulations were broken, just people being stupid."

"Then why sit at the pub on your own, Jack?" I knew there was something bothering Jack and with my sister, she will either bare her soul or clamp down and tell you absolutely nothing. She shrugged her shoulders, and I knew she was clamping down and I shot Damien a look. He gets on with Jack really well and can often get her to open up when I can't and he signalled the bar tender and ordered drinks in for ourselves, offering Jack another, which she gladly took as she downed her drink in almost one go. "I'm going to the ladies room. Be right back." That was Damien's cue to get Jack to open up if he could.


I know my fiancé's intentions and as she popped off the stool and made her way to the ladies room, I looked at Jack who was watching the game on the television and swallowed a drink of my beer. "Has the game been good?"

"'s been alright, I guess."

"What's wrong Jack, you are more despondent that you usually are." Jack let out a small sigh and looked at me.

"It's been somewhat...hard recently. Do you have any idea what it's like turning up to all those dance rehearsals and everyone is paired off or loved up?" Ah, so there it is. Jack's now starting to struggle with being single and I honestly never once put myself in her shoes.

"I can only imagine Jack. If you want, you can skip the rest of the rehearsals, just come for the final one to make sure your sister doesn't have a hairy canary." Jack chuckled and nodded her head.

"I think it's wise. It's hard watching..." She stopped what she was about to say and shook her head. "Ignore me, too much drink. I think I need to go and blow a load."

"Blow a load?"

"It means she's going to go to the club, find a girl and have a cheeky snog or something." I hadn't noticed that Carson had returned from the bathroom and sat down next to Jack who shot her a look. "What? You know it's what you need. We've noticed that you haven't been happy in a while Jack."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. We love you and we are here to support you with whatever is going on with your life. Just because we are getting married soon, doesn't mean that we love or care for you any less. You are my sister and you always will be." God how I love my woman. Carson is loyal and fierce, and I can see that Jack had instilled that in her.


I finished my drink with Carson and Damien and said my goodbyes. I needed to be on the scene, trying to move on from...well everything really. It's genuinely hard trying to work out what path I'm supposed to follow and whilst I have my family, friends have become somewhat sparce, even Ellie. I shake my head. I don't want to think about Ellie right now. I know that I've been harbouring a little attraction towards her but know that it will never amount to anything. Pushing the doors open to the club, I smile at the sea of womanly bodies.

Pushing my way through the crowd, I finally made it to the bar and ordered another drink. I quickly knocked that back and felt the buzz starting to hit me. I had three at the last bar and now, I am on a mission. I ordered a couple of shots and another drink and the shots disappeared quickly, and I held on to my drink and turned around surveying the club. A lot of seriously gorgeous women here tonight and then I realised, my heart wasn't into picking a random woman up. I shook my head at myself and wandered towards the dance floor to scope out who had some moves.

After ten minutes of watching the ladies dance, my bladder was screaming at me and I nipped to the bathroom and on my walk back to the dance floor, I was grabbed at the alcove and a pair of lips met mine. I pulled away quickly to see who had the audacity to kiss me like that and I shook my head. But I was pretty buzzed and with the way I have been feeling, I caved and crashed my lips back on to hers. It got heated very quickly and I knew where it was leading. When she asked to go back to my place, I refused. That is my sanctuary and mine alone, so when her hand slipped into mine and took me to the taxi queue, I heard an address being recited and I knew it wasn't mine.

The door flung open, our lips crashing together, and my hands wandered to her peachy ass, pulling her up against me and she quickly let out a moan. "Where's the bedroom?" I watched Dani bite her lip and then take me by the hand and lead me to her bedroom. I know I'm an idiot for going there with her, but I can't seem to control myself.

Once we were in the bedroom, our clothes were quickly shed, and I threw her on the bed, and we had rather drunken sex. I remember her screaming out my name and the momentarily drunken haze was lost, and bile rose in my throat. I quickly pushed it down and collapsed on the bed next to Dani, knowing fine well that in a matter of moments, she will be in a deep enough sleep for me to make or break it.

I waited half an hour or so and once I heard the familiar deep sleep of Dani, I slipped out of bed, grabbed my clothes and put them on as I walked through her apartment, door clicking softly behind me. Leaving a part of my damaged soul within Dani's bedroom, I cursed myself all the way home. Checking my phone and seeing no new messages only dampened my heart more and I tossed it on the sofa when I got in. In desperate need of a shower, I went to my bathroom and scrubbed myself clean. I know it was a moment of weakness, but I need to make sure that nothing like that happens again.  

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