Part 39

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I was honestly fuming at Carmen turning up at the house like that, throwing my surprise into semi disarray. Okay, so it's not cool lying to people, but in all honesty they were small white lies. I did lose a valued member of my crew without warning, but the lads were brilliant and banded together and were getting the jobs done. I've put an advertisement in the local job centre and I'm going to employ a few people since business continues to improve, so I can dial back a bit and not only spend time with Ellie, but think about what the future holds, for the both of us.

Carmen, I know will throw a good bash, but she only came into the equation since she went all stalkerish on me. In hindsight, it goes to show what a good friend Ellie has made in Carmen, but I would rather people ask me things outright that sneak behind my back. The sofa finally arrived just after Carmen left, which I was starting to panic about since I have my dance lesson with Liv shortly. Damien and I have this dance planned and now with that potentially being the day before I reveal our new home, I'm going to have to find time to dial back and relax. Grabbing my phone, I contacted my foreman and secured our home up heading to my van.

"Hey up sis, you look beat!" I had arrived at the gym and Damien met me at the front door of the complex as per usual.

"I'm done in. I don't know if I'm going to do well tonight if I'm honest."

"You can only do what you can do. Do you need to talk about anything? I know you've been pretty busy lately and it feels like your feet have never left the ground." I smiled at Damien and shook my head.

"Honestly, I'm good. Ellie and I chatted at the weekend and I've promised to look into hiring more staff to help with the new workload. I think I'm about to land the council contract as well as we come highly recommended so that will also be a bonus."

"Go you! I'm proud of you sis."

"Thanks Damo." We scanned gym cards in, and we were walking down the hallway and although I caught Liv and Carmen at the corner of my eye, I had no energy to entertain any more questions right now.


A dance session later, a nice shower and changed into fresh clothes, I closed the gym locker shut and left the changing area. Damien never usually waits as he darts home to my sister, and I sauntered down the hallway and out into the main area when I heard my name being called out. I resisted rolling my eyes, but I was just too tired to care. I mustered up a smile and faced Carmen. "Can we talk for a second?" I gave her a pointed look and nodded my head and we stood to the side. "I want to apologise again for earlier. I stepped out of line and should have just come to you, I'm sorry."

"I get it, I do. But it's making me wonder if my own girlfriend actually trusts me."

"She does. I didn't realise that she had spoken to you at the weekend, she had spoken to me and I did encourage her to talk to you, I promise." I looked at Carmen and nodded my head. "How do we go about arranging you know what?"

"I will be in touch and give you a temporary key to the house along with the alarm code and you can set it up. It's the only way around it now that El is a little suspicious of my every move." I slumped my shoulders and she placed her hand on it.

"Your girlfriend trusts you. She may have a hard time expressing her emotions after everything she has been through, but that is what her therapy is for. To work on herself, to express herself freely to you, to be everything to you."

"She is always my everything Carmen." Carmen's face broke into a knowing grin and I smiled and shook my head. "Now if you don't mind, I need to get home to my girl." We exchanged our goodbyes and then I went home. Looking at the time on my phone as I put my key in, I winced and hoped that it wouldn't descend into an argument. It had just gone half eight and I threw my keys into the dish and made my way into the living room and Ellie's face lit up and she sat upright on the sofa. "Hey babe."

"Good dance session?"

"Yeah. Liv was a bit brutal tonight, we got there in the end." El let out an adorable laugh as I slumped down next to her and closed my eyes.

"Well, that is my sister for you."

"Yeah..." My eyes then shot open, and I looked at Ellie. "Did you say sister?"

"I did. I got the call at work today from Sandra and she filled me in. I went to speak to Liv at the gym, she was excited to think I was joining the gym but then she realised it wasn't a business visit but personal. We've agreed to meet up soon so I can learn about her relationship with our father. I left shortly before you got there...I didn't want you thinking I was checking on your whereabouts." I gave Ellie a soft smile and sat up, tucking my left leg under my right.

"Liv. Who would have thought it. Come to think of it, I know most of Carmen's history since we workout together more, but she rarely speaks of Liv's life experience. That's her story to tell. I'm...well shocked. Why are you not more in shock?" Ellie laughed at my expression and it made me warm inside.

"I've had most of the afternoon to digest the information and this evening."

"You could have called me. I would have just came straight home. This is momentous babe." I pulled Ellie into my arms and she sank into me, as I did to her. Sometimes, no matter what kind of day you have, a hug just seems to make things alright.

"I know. Are you okay? You seem a"

"I'm tired as always but good news. I made time to put in an advert for the site so hopefully do some interviews towards the end of the week instead of busting my ass off all the time. Can we have a quiet date night this week since we are going clubbing. I just want some down time with you and to spend time relaxing instead of going a hundred miles an hour."


When Jack asked me for a quiet date night in and I looked up at her, she looked positively exhausted. I feel somewhat a little annoyed with myself for second guessing that there was someone else when she is clearly done. "We can stay in. I've not planned anything this weekend so if you want, we can relax, go for a spa and massage afternoon to help you relax more. I'm sorry that I wasn't more understanding."

"It's okay babe, honestly. Sorry if I've been short and defensive, I tend to get that way when I am tired."

"Duly noted. Come on, let's have an early night. Sounds like we both need it. We can talk about everything when we aren't as tired, or emotional."

"That's the best thing I've heard you say all this week."

"It's only Monday babe."

"Ugh, I know." I got off the couch and held my hands out to Jack who gave me a tired smile and placed her hands in mine. I tried to pull her up, but she wouldn't budge, and she chuckled to herself. "I'm not that heavy babe."

"You are deliberately being awkward." I let out a squeal as Jack pulled me back and I landed with a plop on her lap, and she wrapped her arms around my waist and those gorgeous eyes stared into mine. "What?"

"I love you Ellie, no matter how tired, how busy or how cranky I become, remember that my heart belongs to you and only you. Falling in love with you was one of the easiest things I have ever done." I trailed my fingers over Jack's face as she set my heart a flutter with her beautiful words.

"I love you too. Always. Now get your arse in gear and get to bed." Jack smiled and gave me a small kiss on my lips before hauling us both off the sofa and put me on my feet. "Do you want me to hold you tonight?"

"I would love nothing more."

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