Part 12

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When I got up around noon the next day, I trudged into the kitchen and made myself a coffee. Everything will be alright after this cup of joe, right? Except my head was pounding and when I went to the sofa and found my slung phone there, I picked it up and noticed that I had a new message. "I miss you too."

My heart surged. What did I do last night? Looking at the thread I had sent Ellie a message saying that I missed hanging out with her and hoped that we could meet up soon. Looking at the timestamp of her message, she was up really early this morning when I was sleeping off my drunken haze. As I was about to put my phone down, it beeped again, and I hoped that it was from Ellie, but it was from Dani. "Thanks for last night babe, we should hook up again, soon!"

"I don't think so, Dani. Last night was a massive mistake on my part. I suggest you delete my number; I don't think we should remain in contact." It was short and straight to the point and my phone beeped again.

"You and I have chemistry Jack, we always have. Don't shut me out." I groaned.

"We had chemistry; you blew it by cheating on me. I was drunk and vulnerable last night and caved to your attention. Let me go Dani." Nothing came after that and I was momentarily relieved at the silence coming from my phone.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Seven times my phone went off and I was about to blow a gasket but then I realised that it was the group WhatsApp chat with the girls for the bachelorette party and Tasha had posted something which the remaining of the girls responded to, apart from myself and Ellie. I could see that everyone had read the message, but Ellie and I had yet to respond. I sent of my response quickly and switched my phone off. I need more sleep.


When I woke up this morning and slipped out of bed, leaving Grant snoring his head off, I went and showered in peace. Taking the silence of the morning in, I switched on my phone and was surprised to receive a text message from Jack. I could tell that she was out late, possibly drinking and speaking her mind through a drunken haze and whilst I appreciated it, I responded to it quickly and deleted it. Grant has been scouring my phone thinking I am cheating on him or arranging things behind his back and I'm not wanting to antagonise him anyway.

I decided to go into the office this morning and it gave me time to sit and pour over Jack's books and then when the phone started vibrating a few times on my desk, I realised it was the group chat and read what they were saying but put my phone back down. I had discovered something amiss in the books and wanted to concentrate on what I had found before I could provide Jack with any real evidence.

Hours later, I was convinced that there was definitely something wrong and I picked up my phone. I had read Jack's response to the group message and chuckled then dialled her number. "Hello?" She sounded so sleepy on the phone it was almost adorable.

"Hey it's Ellie."

"Mhmmm, I know by caller id. What's up?" Okay, either she is hungover or pissed at me.

"There's something we need to talk about. It's your books. I've discovered something." I heard a ruffling and Jack's voice came through even more clearly.


"Yeah. When can we meet up? I'm free Thursday night if that is any good to you. Grant's going out with Damien and that means I have some much-needed time to myself."

"If that's your alone time, why not spend it alone?" Jacks voice was soft, and I felt my heart thudding in my chest.

"It's my time to do whatever I want Jack and what I want Jack is to meet up with you. I miss you."

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