Part 46

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I left work early and made my way to the jewellery store, determined to get Jack and engagement ring. I knew she wouldn't except diamonds or anything to lavish. Then I was looking further down the selection and I stopped dead. There it was a titanium, meteorite and opal engagement band. I was sold immediately and it was so suited to Jack and I nodded my head knowing that I had found the perfect ring for my perfect woman.

Once the shock wore off the both of us on Sunday that we were now in fact, engaged, I had to speak to Jack about the house. "Babe, can you sit down for five minutes, we need to talk." The look on Jack's face was priceless as no one really wants to hear the 'we need to talk.'

"Okay..." We sat down at our kitchen island and Jack sat across from me looking like she was about to get into trouble.

"It's about the house."

"You don't like it?" Worry etched in her voice.

"No, I love it. But when we agreed to house hunt, I wanted to be an equal paying partner and didn't want you to pay for the full lot, we agreed on it." Jack went to speak, and I held up my hand and she instantly stopped talking. "Whilst I massively appreciate the sentiment, you worked yourself into the ground trying to make our dreams a reality. I love you more for that Jack, but please don't do it again, you know the doubts it caused along with the strain in our relationship."

"I know..."

"So, tell me, how do I become an equal partner in not only our new home, but in the life we intend on building together, our future?" I sat back, saying all I needed to say in that moment in time.

"Whilst I'm more than aware that you want to split this house purchase down the middle, I'm not saying sixty grand is a lot of money to me, but it is to you. But I am more than understanding that you want to be a homeowner, your name alongside mine in the deeds, which they are already are." My eyebrows shot up and then I gave her a look of confusion.

"That time I asked you to sign to say that the books were on point for the auditor... you signed your name alongside mine to become joint owner of our home. Whilst I've not physically taken any money from you, which I know you will want to do, I want you to hear me out."

"I'm listening..."

"Save that money. One day, if you are ready, we will want to start a family and IVF isn't cheap from what I've been reading and..." My mouth dropped open at what Jack was implying and I had to blink a few times. "But if you don't want to start a family, we can always find another way to invest your money for the house."

" want a family with me?"

"I want everything with you Ellie. It's strange sometimes, thinking back. How I was with Dani for sixteen years and when I thought we were ready to make it official and settle down, it would have ended in tears anyway. With you, I don't have that sense of ... dread if you like. I only have high hopes in the future we can potentially build together." I slipped off the bar stool and made my way over to Jack, who in turn came off her stool and stood before me. "I told you Ellie. There isn't anything in this world that I wouldn't do for you."

I kissed Jack hard then. So hard, we stumbled slightly and had to regain our footing. "When are we moving in?"

"Whenever you want to babe. But we both work, so it will most likely be on the weekend or something."

"This weekend?"

"If I can get some men with a van and we pack up our stuff that we want to bring, then sure, I'm in for moving in this weekend with you." I ran my hand down from Jack's face, over her collar bone, down over her chest bone, listening to her breath hitch in anticipation and I unbuttoned her jeans button with a pop and shoved my hand under. Cupping her through her shorts, the lust building in her eyes, I teased her for a moment or two and then pulled my hand away and buttoned her jeans back up. "What..?"

"I'm going to show you the same Jack. What it's like to be teased, to want something or someone so bad, that the next time you come for me, you will be screaming my name and squirting into my mouth." Her mouth fell open and I let out a laugh and grabbed our keys. "Come on, let's get back to the apartment."

I smiled at my flashback of yesterday and how much Jack was frustrated beyond belief. I've still not gave her the release she's been choking for. The assistant finally approached me due to the shop being busy and I pointed out the ring that I wanted to see and gave her Jack's size. Thankfully, they had it in stock and a smile curled on my lips. Time to tease Jack some more and slip a ring on to her finger.


When the buzzer sounded and the doors opened, I walked into the visiting area and scanned the room. Noticing Grant straight away and instantly his eyebrows perked up as I walked over to him. He went to stand up as I approached but I shook my head and he remained seated. Sitting down across from my former best friend in jail was a little surreal to say the least. "It's good to see you Damien."

"I would like to say likewise, but that would be a lie and you know I hate lies." Grant nodded his head and bowed it slightly. "Why have you hounded me to visit you Grant?"

"I wanted to see you. You are my best mate after all."

"No. In my mind, you and I are no longer best mates, you got stripped of that title the minute I found out the truth about you. How could you do that? How could you hurt Ellie in the most unimaginable way possible?" I looked at the man that sat across from me, unshaven, unkempt and somewhat skinnier since the last time that I laid eyes on him.

"I'm not blaming the drink anymore Damo, what I done was inexcusable. I can see that now. I've been getting therapy, working on my issues and I know that Ellie wouldn't want to hear from me, to say that I've changed, to apologise, but she's heard all that before.

"Yes she has. She had faith in you, Grant."

"Yet she was cheating on me with Jack." I let out a sigh and shook my head.

"Still? Grant, Ellie never once cheated on you with Jack. She helped her out with her accounts, her own relationship with Dani had fallen apart, Jack is against cheating and never had eyes for Ellie."

"Sure. I hear they are together now."

"Yes, they are. But Jack held Ellie away at arm's length, a cautious one at it. She had to encourage Ellie to work through her trauma, to guide her to a healthier attitude and lifestyle before she realised that Ellie had grown to love her more than a friend." Grant let out a scoff. "Believe what you want Grant, but they never got together until this year, so get over it. I'm glad they found each other throughout all the shit hands they have been dealt with. I'm not going to visit you again after today, you..."

"I need your help, Damo."

"You ruined lives. What? How in the hell can I help you?" I was dumbfounded that he wanted my help after everything.

"I need a character witness to testify for me. I want to move from here to a lesser grade of a jail. I don't belong in here mate. I've never killed anyone...

"No. You may never have killed anyone directly, but you killed Ellie's soul for an exceptionally long time. You killed my trust in you, Carson's trust in you."

"Then...shall I take you anger and words as a no, that you won't help me?" I rose to my feet in anger. If I weren't being watched, I would clench my hands together and punch this mother fucker in the face.

"You raped and tortured your girlfriend, you destroyed her trust in people, you made her think that she was the issue, but all along it was you. You are a sadistic mother fucker Grant, and you deserve to rot in jail or receive whatever punishment your fellow inmates see not contact me again." I wanted to storm off like a spoilt brat of a child, but I squared my shoulders and walked out the room as normally as I could and kept that pretence up until I reached my car. Placing my hand on the car bonnet, I let out a sigh and bit back my anger. A fucking character witness...what the hell was he thinking?!

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