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Once y/n stood back and looked at what she'd done, I pulled her in a hug from behind. She jumped lightly at the action but then soon melted into the hug. My arms comfortably moved around her waist and I gently brought her backwards, extremely close. She rested her head onto my shoulder and looked at me, and I looked at her, our eyes catching. I turned her body around, so our chests were against each other. She set her arms around my neck, fingers tugging at the strands on the back of my neck. My heart was beating louder and faster than ever before, and the butterflies in my stomach tucked and turned. I then held her waist tighter. My face moved closer to hers, closing the space between our lips...

I then held her waist tighter. My face moved closer to hers, closing the space between our lips.

"Fuck it," She spoke,barely a whisper, though I could hear what she said.

y/n soon pushed her lips against mine. I was shocked, but I soon became natural into the kiss. Her fingertips played my hair, as our lips gently kissed the other. I wanted more, so I wiped my tongue against her bottom lip, needing a deeper kiss, which she let me. Our tongues merged together, both of us craving more. I soon became dominant, desperate for more. y/n surprised me by giving me all that she had, but I kept her close to me. She was defeated, as I began kissing her the best I could. A firework display set off in my heart, pouncing with joy. We both pulled away, breathless by the beauty of the kiss. She looked at me, in a way i couldn't explain apart from the fact that she's so gorgeous.

"Who knew Scott McTominay could be so dominant? Seems like an innocent soul," y/n questioned.

"I'm a man of many surprises. Wait until you see what I've got up my sleeves," I winked.  "Will you be my girlfriend? We'll take it steady, at whatever pace you feel comfortable with." I then asked, looking deep into her soul.

"I'd love to! There is a bit of a major issue."

"What is it, love? If you're not ready yet that's fine, I'll wait until you are ready."

"It's not that, just that... just that Ed said I mustn't date any of you lads because it might ruin your performance... I don't know if I want to go against his words, considering I've only been in charge for three days..."

"He never said that to us. Anyway, we can keep it secret. Whatever happens in these walls stay in these walls, if Ed suspects anything we can put it on pause until he stops. We want to be together, y/n, and Ed shouldn't stop that. He doesn't stop any of the other lads from dating anyone else, so I can't see the issue with us. My groin might take me out of the game against Everton, so no matter what don't take me to the game."

"Are you sure with that? One: us being secret from the rest of the world and two: not going to the game against Everton. You're a brilliant player, Tommy, and if you're fine for it, I don't want to ruin your streak."

"Say you're saving me for Leicester or until the results come back. They won't suspect a thing. I'm fine with us being a secret; I can't see myself with anyone but you."

"Ok, we'll give it a go, then. I can't believe I'm going against my boss..."

"Hey, y/n/n, it's fine. Ed sometimes gets a little pushy, and I'm sure this is no different. Give him time; he'll come round eventually."

"I will."

"So... we're official, yeah?"

"Will you take this as an answer?"

"Take wha-"

She cut me off by shoving her lips against mine, but she became dominant instantly. Kissing desperately, we both gave our all into it. The firework display resumed as if it never stopped. I quickly became dominant, but y/n gave a fighting effort; we eventually pulled away.

"I'm guessing that's a yes," I said while turning her around, making her back pressed against my chest, and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Of course it is you dimwit," y/n replied, hitting my chest lightly with the back of her hand. I grabbed her hand and pressed my lips against it.

"Even I can't believe we're doing this! I love it though; I get to be with a girl who has made my life mental in the best way possible." I returned, smiling gleefully. She smiled back at me, slightly blushing.

"Your smile is beautiful," I stated before kissing her nose. "and no-one can change my mind. Well, you're beautiful, no matter what."

"Oh, shush, please. That couldn't be true."

"One: yes, it is true, it always will be, and two: I can't and won't 'shush', you're my girlfriend now, which means I can compliment you whenever I want." I chuckled lightly as y/n rolled her eyes.

"Come on, love, I heard you were watching y/f/s the other night, so let's watch that, yeah?"

She nodded as a response; we both left her new room to go to the sofa and watch the program. I sat on the seat first while y/n grabbed the remote. I patted the space between my legs to show that I wanted her to sit there, which she did. She curled up in my chest, as one of my arms wrapped around her shoulder. y/n passed me the remote; I got the show up on the TV. I pressed play on the first episode. y/n's head fit into the crook of my neck, while my draped arm lifted and my fingers began fiddling with her silky hair. She was in a peaceful state immediately. Her eyes slowly began to flutter shut, so I grabbed a blanket from the arm of the sofa and wrapped it over the two of us.

"Night, princess, sleep well," I whispered.

"Goodnight, my Man of the Match, don't forget to get some sleep too. You must be tired from your amazing performance today." y/n kissed my neck softly. I smiled and kissed her cheek. I began singing y/f/song quietly and soon she was sleeping.

I made sure that I had sung the whole song before I started falling asleep.

i love her - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now