Chapter 25

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Wow, it's the 25th chapter! I think I'm going to end the book soon.
It was movie night, the Dreamswap crew had just invited Moon and Swad to come over.

"What do you guys want to watch?" Ink asked, looking through the DVDs.

The meme squad and Moon immediately shouted, "Horror!"

The others were a little worried because horror movies weren't exactly meant for monsters like them. They protested but it was no use.

Ink chose Annabelle. The couples all cuddled together and watched the movie.

Well, it was a little disastrous. By the end of the movie, the Meme Squad and Moon were spooked out.

Error was shaking, trembling and glitching like crazy, Nightmare and Moon's eye sockets were wide opened and they were hugging each other tightly while Cross is... clinging onto the floor...

Dream, Ink, Blue and Swad tried to calm them down.

"I knew we should've chosen not horror movie," Blue sighed, hugging Error.

"Yup," Dream agreed, putting Nightmare onto his lap and trying to calm him down.

"Darling, you won't be seeing another one of those movies for the rest of your life," Swad whispered into his lovers non existent ear and kissed his forehead. Moon immediately nodded.

Ink on the other hand was using all his strength to get Cross off the floor.

"Someone please help!" Ink shouted.

"Sure," Blue snickered and use his strings and picked Cross of the floor.

"Sshhh..." Ink shushed the crying Cross.

"How about we all hit the hay," said Swad.

"That's a great idea," Moon nodded.

They all snuggled together and they all fell asleep. Well not everybody. Little did the Justice Reign and Swad knew that their lovers are going to do something cheeky.

Dream woke up yawning. He saw Nightmare still asleep, his skull buried  into his chest.

Cross and Ink were awake and Ink was giving Cross a lot kisses, tickling Cross. Cross was giggling happily.

Blue and Error were still asleep along with Swad and Moon.

When everyone woke up, the Meme Squad and Moon wanted pancakes. Their tall lovers obviously went to make them pancakes.

In the kitchen, they tried to make pancakes. Keyword is tried to. They couldn't find the ingredients. Not only that, when Blue heated up the pan, the pan burst into flames.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!" Ink screeched.

"I just turned the stove on!" Blue replied, panicking.

"Get the extinguisher!!!" Swad shouted.

Dream grabbed the extinguisher and shot it at the burning pan.

"How did it happened?" Dream asked, wiping a sweat from his face.

Ink inspected the pan and concluded, "The pan was made of paper!"

"What?! Someone switched the pan!!" Dream shouted, disbelief.

"I think I know who did it," Blue smirked.

They were going to get revenge.

The Meme Squad and Moon were playing video games. Suddenly, they were getting attacked by four big skeletons.

They were giving them hugs and kisses. The squad and Moon were laughing a lot.

When they stopped, they were all on the ground, exhausted.

"Never do that again or we'll go more harder on you," Ink warned.

"Noted," Nightmare replied.

Moon and Swad went back to their AU and the Dreamswap crew were cleaning up.

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