The cave entrance was shrinking.

You groaned, sprinting back to the entrance before it shut you in completely.

Turning around, you watched it close. Then, what surprised you the most, an eye opened and stared at you.

The most awkward staring contest you'd ever had, to say the least.

What was apparently a demon now began dragging its body towards you as if it couldn't stand.

It was much faster than the other demon somehow, so you were quick run off farther from the area.

★                             ★                             ★

"This has been quite fun, but I do believe our time is up. We have other matters to attend to, Scara." Signora's chuckled, still amused.

Scaramouche rolled his eyes, taking them off of you and starting an argument with the blonde.

They'd been watching you from afar again, sending more demons your way. Each time, they made sure you got away safely so they could continue having fun. They wouldn't flat out kill you.

However, now it was you vs. a large group of small, weapon wielding demons. They screeched and yelled at you in a language you couldn't understand.

They were easy to fight off when alone, but they were now a group with weapons. You had nothing but a paper with a drawing on it. So you were running.

The two who were watching you previously no longer were, instead arguing over their work. They wouldn't stop the things chasing you as they had completely forgot.

You were running out of breath quickly. It was understandable since you'd outrunned many demons today, however this didn't make it a good thing.

Your legs felt like they were going to give out any moment, and the two arguing weren't helping.

"Scara. You haven't actually done what you were supposed to in weeks! This whole time you've been slacking off." Signora fumed.

"I know you didn't just-! Look who's slacking off now! I don't see you going out and fooling people. In fact, the only person you've fooled is that idiot, but they still aren't dead! Kill them already if it's such a problem to mess around with them first!" Scaramouche yelled, before storming off.

"Ah, they're still running aren't they- oH-" Signora snorted as you tripped over a stick, tumbling to the ground.

Scaramouche turned around, watching you himself before smirking.

You were lying on the ground, panting. The group of odd demons were now closing in on you, yelling at you. One of them cried loudly, running at you with its bat looking weapon, which also happened to be on fire. Great.

"Ah ah ah~, that's my job." A voice growled.

Before the bat came close to you, the man you'd met previously plunged down from the air, causing all of the odd beings to fly back. The ones who got up began to scramble away at the sight of him.

He sighed contently, turning to stare at you. Quickly, you pulled yourself to your feet and glared at him.

Your eyes were glued to him as he walked around you. His smirk never left his face.

"You were quite entertaining, I must say. When you managed to fight off that one Hilichurl, we were white surprised." He chuckled.

"Who's we? You've been the reason I've been struggling this whole time?!" You growled.

"Why, we would be him and I, of course!" Signora cut in, appearing in front of you.

You stumbled backwards, tripping but regaining your balance.

"Now now, dear.. We have other matters to attend to for her majesty, so it's time we end this." She continued, her voice low.

Scaramouche walked next to her as both of them stared you down, almost as if you were prey.

"I'll let you have this one, but promise to do your job afterwards~!" She sang, still watching to see how he'd deal with you.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's have some fun, now." He laughed, ending the conversation.

You were quick to sprint off, noticing that he was about to come at you. He wasn't far behind you, yet he wouldn't come closer than he was. He began to taunt you, telling you to give up and such.

Calling for Xiao wasn't possible. You weren't sure if you could come back for Childe a second time or not. If Xiao could do nothing for you now, neither could Zhongli, and obviously neither Signora as she'd tricked you too.

The only person left in mind was who you were after, the only one here who wouldn't try to kill you.

"Childe! A little help here?!" You yelled.

"There's no point in asking, he won't hear you~." Scaramouche laughed.

He began closing in on you, grumbling about how he had no more time to play around with you.

You continued yelling for Childe, but it seemed to do nothing as the only other person around was Scaramouche.

From the time he began chasing you to now, you'd slowed drastically. All the running did a number on your legs and lungs.

Though you kept going as fast as you could, it wasn't fast enough. Scaramouche was faster. He jumped into the air, coming down from behind and kicking you.

You fell to the ground once again, groaning.

"Times up." He taunted, bending down next to you.

"For you, maybe. Now, kindly get your nasty little hands away from them." A familiar voice shouted.

★            ❤️             ★            ❤️             ★

i have to go back to school tomorrow and now i want to commit unalive because i couldn't finish the stupid assignment i had </3

this has also not been checked over 🙄😕

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