"Maybe because there are fucking stars on the liner you idiot. Are we still drunk?" she laughed, grabbing the door handle as she swung it open, hopping out before locking it as we headed towards the Starbucks. "He was so sweet the way he handled it though, that man deserves a medal. He didn't lose his patience with you once last night, not once" she said, pulling open the door as we made our way inside.

There was something about a Starbucks that always made me feel like I didn't belong as soon as my toe crossed the threshold. To start, I didn't like the baristas little jokes with spelling your name wrong even though I spelled it out for them three times perfectly. I guess that was their way of trying to be humorous but to me it was just annoying. Then there was the general vibe of the place, the customers sitting in the various spaced out cozy nooks making you feel as if you didn't belong if you didn't dress like a trendy college student. But, since it was my idea to have this discussion with Teeny someplace other than my home I sucked it up as I ordered my short dark roast with room, smiling playfully as I spelled my name several times for the barista before finally receiving my drink and heading over towards a table in the corner.

I smiled to myself as I walked past a table of girls talking excitedly that Post Malone's car was in the parking lot, a few of them stretching their necks as they scanned over the small dining area to see if there was any chance they had missed him, while the remaining girls were scanning the long line of customers who were waiting to order their coffee, all of them looking confused when they couldn't find a trace of him in the building. I took my seat against the window, taking a sip of my coffee as I looked at Teeny with a smile.

"Doesn't that get annoying?" she asked me, sitting back in her chair as she crossed her arms over her chest, her gaze floating towards the still giddy girls at the table a few feet away from us as they were still trying to figure out how Post Malone's car could be parked in the parking lot but he was nowhere to be found.

"To be honest I haven't really noticed it. We are always out in public together and no one really makes a big fuss over him" I said shrugging my shoulders taking another sip of my obnoxiously hot coffee, wincing slightly as I felt it sting the back of my throat as it slid its way down to my stomach. "I guess the only time that it happened was when he took Liam and I to lunch, the waitress was a little starstruck but it wasn't anything awkward and he handled it so sweet" I said recalling the time he took us to MarketStreet.

"So, before I get into my reasoning for me thinking he is an amazing match for you, let's discuss the big elephant in the room," she laughed, looking around her briefly before resting her palms on the table as she leaned into me. "How come you didn't fucking tell me you were dating Post fucking Malone!?"

I laughed at her as I toyed with the white plastic lid on my cup, flicking the small plastic part that would click in place to cover the spout to drink from back and forth several times before I answered her. "Because I knew you were going to have this reaction and I didn't want you to already have solid thoughts about him because he's Post Malone" I said quietly, keeping my voice down as to not attract unwanted attention from the still giddy table of girls.

She nodded her head as she shrugged her shoulders, sitting herself back in her chair again. "Fair point" she laughed, taking a sip of her drink as her eyes wandered out towards the parking lot before she  brought them back on me.

"What would you have thought if I told you that he was my boyfriend when we saw him at Bandits yesterday?" I asked her, now suddenly curious to what her reaction would've been if she had found out earlier in the night instead of later at the bar. I knew that Teeny really didn't know much about him, but I was still curious to see what her thoughts would've been.

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