Scotty gave a brief grin. "Don't bet on it. On Ariesafal there's somebody to condone anything. Besides, I don't like that plan. What would I tell Aunt Euphrasia? Nah, we gotta think of something else. And that reminds me, why are the attempts on you classified? Hardly anybody knows about them, and those who do don't seem sure how many there have been, or how they happened."

"I think Rayland wants to keep the security breaches quiet. And there's no point in upsetting people."

"But if you're trying to turn galactic opinion, then the kidnapping attempts are a gold mine! Not as good as assassination, maybe, but a lot better for you and me."

"We have decided it is not worth panicking the people here. How do you think people would take it if they knew kidnapping squads roamed Palace Royal at will?"

Scotty shook his head. "Not good. I know I was shocked. But we gotta do something, Rina. This is just dragging on for no good reason. If you don't want war, then we gotta wage a more aggressive peace."

"If you've got ideas, I'm willing to listen."

"I dunno. Wait. What if we tried to get some people from Homeworld to come here? Not the Wayfarers, but the others?"

"How would we do that?"

"There are plenty of them engaged in trade. They usually stick to Homeworld's colonies and satellites, true, but some of them might be adventurous enough to come here. Lots of people are curious about Praxatillus. Hardly anybody's been here since before the Xoentrol War started, and that's goin' back a couple of generations for most species."

"So you're proposing I invite some of your cohorts from Naferi Station or Kaldoun?"

"No, Miss Suspicious. Y'know, when Mara clears me once and for all, you're gonna have a major guilt trip, and I intend to cash in on it!"

"I'll be happy to pay up. So what are you suggesting?"

"You've got half your Citizens Council out there roamin' around. Suggest a destination." He grinned. "You really don't want 'em on Ariesafal anyway, Rina. They won't bring back anything you like from there!"

"I don't know. They brought you back."

"Yeah, and look how pleased you were!" he retorted.

"I am pleased!" she protested. "I just wish you hadn't gone in the first place. Do you really think anybody here will let Homeworld citizens set foot on this planet?"

"If they're serious about peace, they will, sooner or later. It might as well be now, when it might do some good. Let their citizens see our citizens. This problem is with the Miahns and the Wayfarers. The only way this is gonna be resolved is if the rest of them get tired of the fight and make them make peace. We gotta cut through the propaganda."

"I'll discuss it with the Citizens Council—what's left of it, anyway," Sabrina said. "And Rassir. But he won't like it! And Imari will have kittens."

Scotty grinned. "Rosebush worn off, has it?"

"Not quite, but this'll finish my good credit with her. Which reminds me, you haven't paid a call on her yet, and you must, you know. She is part of our family now."

"Blegh. All right. Rayland was buggin' me about it too. I'll go after I leave here, all right? It oughta be restful. At least she won't pretend to be glad to see me."

"I am glad to see you." Sabrina paused. "Even if you are an assassin and knife me in my sleep, I'm still glad to have seen you again."

"Aw, that's the sweetest thing you've said to me in years. But don't worry, that Sehaèri's not going to let me anywhere near you if she can help it," Scotty grinned. "I'm surprised she hasn't found an excuse to come in here yet. Hey, I hear she's engaged to Miosch. You must be breathin' easier, huh?"

The Twisted Way (Champions of the Crystal Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now