Who is She?

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— Peter's POV —

I was dressed as Spider-Man, swinging my way through the town at night. I saw a girl-like figure floating in the air, sitting in the air. I swung up to the building next to her. "I'm not the only one who likes this spot, huh?" I asked. She jumped and turned around. She wore a halter-necked, no-sleeved, short legged black jumpsuit, with a thin tongue of red and gold winding round her arms, like a glove. The same with her boots, except there were only soles on her boots. I couldn't see part of her face, because of a mask that hid it. "Yeah, I really like this place. Beautiful, isn't it?" She grinned back. "You another superhero?" I asked. She nodded. "Ignition's my name. My powers are fire, enhanced physical abilities, flying and telekinesis." She explained. "I've just got the enhanced physical abilities, but I create my webs on my own. I don't use them for bigger missions. I'm just a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man." I said sadly. "I go bigger than neighbourhoods. I've been saving people, such as I was part of the campaign to get Loki out of the way, but I wasn't part of the big action. I was called by a certain Tony Stark to help him fight Captain America." She explained. Me too! "Same with me. I've got to fight against one of my idols. Sad." I joked. We talked for a while, until... "Oh shoot. I've got to get to my apartment. See ya!" She rushed, and flew off in a trail of flame. Whoever she was, I definitely want to meet her again.

— Amber's POV —

"Hey, Ned! You up for the sleepover tonight?" I asked, grinning. Ned smiled back. "You bet I am! It will be fun when MJ and Peter come over. Don't you think?" He asked. I nodded. MJ is my best friend. Of all time. Yes, she's a highly-alerted, anti-social part-stalker but she's really sweet once you get to know her. "Oh drat. PE is next. Apparently we need to change into 'sports bras' now because we're growing children. It's just an excuse for boys to look us up and down!" MJ spat. She doesn't like showing skin, I can tell you that. "I'm not saying anything. If it's a requirement, it's a requirement." I stated. Peter came in and sat down next to me. "Hey guys! Isn't Liz coming to the sleepover tonight?" He asked. I see why he's crushing madly on Liz. She put the gorge in gorgeous. She says I'm prettier than her, but look at her! She can be a model if she wants to. "She is, lover boy. Don't go and make goo-goo eyes at her when she comes. I'll give you a right slap in the face of you do." I warned. Every time Peter sees Liz it's like he's a bee attracted to a flower. He just can't look away. He put his hands up in front of his face in protection. I have a rep of being the most feared girl in school. I give Flash what for when he deserves it, and if any boy dares to touch me, they're dead in two seconds. I played with my red and gold watch, looking at the button in shape of a flame. I didn't tell anyone but Tony Stark yet. I'm Ignition. I met Spider-Man yesterday, and he seemed like a pretty cool kid. I just wonder where he is.  I got up and went with Liz to change into my PE clothes. I took off my shirt and everyone stared at me, like always. "Girl, no matter how many times you show it, I'm amazed by your abs! How on earth did you get them?" Betty shrieked. "I exercised a lot. It's nothing more than that." I replied. "So that's how you get through those crunches easily! I've always wondered how you do it." Liz complimented. I put on my sports bra and shorts, making my way into the hall with Liz and Betty. Peter was staring, but I think he was staring at Liz. As for the other boys, well, they were staring at my abs, which I've never mentioned, or revealed for that matter, unless it involves changing in the girl's changing room. 

— Peter's POV —

As Liz walked in, I noticed someone else who caught my attention. Amber. She had six pack abs?! And she never told anyone?! She got down with MJ and she started doing crunches with her legs in the air. She did them so effortlessly, it looked unreal. I was struggling slightly to do them. If you put her next to me, then I would look like I'm a child trying to jump on a trampoline. She put her towel round her shoulders after she was done, taking a drink from her bottle. When she was zipping her bag up, I noticed a red and gold watch on her right wrist. Why did the colours seem familiar? There was a loud bang, and the building shook. When I looked back to where Amber was, she was gone. I ran too, over to the boy's bathroom. I quickly changed and got outside. I saw a bank robbery going on. I sprinted over there, and saw Ignition already fighting the robbers off. "Need some help there?" I asked. She drop kicked a robber. "Yeah, could use some help." She panted. I jumped in and tried to help. I was caught by a beam and was thrown up and down, hitting the ceiling and the floor. Ignition made a fire lasso and snatched the gun from him, caught it and did the same to the bad guy. She tied them up and she laughed. "That was ridiculous!" She laughed. Her laugh seemed contagious, and I couldn't help laughing too. On second look, she was beautiful. Her red hair flowed round her shoulders like a waterfall, and I couldn't take my eyes off her. "Thanks, but I better get back to school now." She said shyly. "Yeah. Me too." I swung away and she flew away. 

— Amber's POV —

"Hey sir." I greeted to the hologram emitting from my watch. "Hey, candlestick. How are you doing?" He replied, smiling in a fatherly way. "Doing good. Have you been working on those E.D.I.T.H glasses yet?" I asked. "Yes I have. They'll be up and running in no time. How's Underoos doing?" He asked. "He's doing fine, even though I met him twice. I have been keeping a close eye on him for a while when he's out as Spider-Man, and I think he'll be ready for E.D.I.T.H soon." I assured. "That's good. Remember, you have to go on a mission with Cap this weekend. The mission he's going on needs some literal firepower." "Got it, sir. And can you tell me Spider-Man's identity? I think it will be easier that way." I pleaded.  "I can't, candlestick. Please, call me Tony." I cut the call and sighed. We always have these day to day chats. He assigned me to be a superhero, and also look out for Spider-Man to see if he's ready for E.D.I.T.H. Not yet, though. I gathered my books and deposited them in my bag. "Oh. My. God." I whipped around and saw MJ. "You know Spider-Man?! You know Tony Stark?!" She whisper-shouted. "Yes, I know them, now please, shush. I have to tell you something. What's going on." I whisper-shouted back. "I'm a superhero. I can control fire, and I have telekinesis, and I can fly. If you dare tell anyone, you're going to be burnt to a crisp. And I mean it." I warned. She nodded, and I sighed in relief. "Wait. You are part of the Avengers?" She asked to confirm. I nodded. She almost screamed but I covered her mouth. "I don't want the whole school knowing!" I refused. She calmed down. 


I opened the door of my apartment. I saw Peter, Ned, MJ and Liz. I grinned and let them in. "Nice place you got here! Very spacious!" Liz complimented. "Thanks. Make yourself comfy, I'm bringing the snacks." I told them. I was careful not to use my powers. MJ followed me. "I want to see your suit." She ordered. "No, girl! What if someone walks in?" I refused. "I'll make sure they won't. Do it." She assured. I pressed the fire button on my watch and my suit gradually pieced itself onto me. MJ stared in awe. "Did Stark make that?" She asked. "He did, with help from me." "Explains why you're smarter than Peter!" She gasped. "HOLY-" we whipped around and Ned was standing there. I covered his mouth and locked the door. "Ned, what on earth are you doing here?!" I nearly yelled. "I was wondering what was taking you so long. And I see you in Ignition's suit! Are you Ignition?!" He asked. "Yes, I am Ignition. Now zip it! I will burn your hair off if this gets out." I whispered. Ned nodded. "Now, go." I pressed the button on my watch and my suit came off. I picked the snacks up and went over to the living room. "So, what do we do first?" I asked. "How about... Truth or Dare? A classic." Liz suggested. "I'm down." I said. 

My Heart is On Fire (PETER PARKER X READER)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon