Time Stone

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I hid behind a piece of debris as I watched everyone but me fight Thanos. I wanted to stop this. And when I saw Peter be thrown away...

I was triggered.

I duelled Thanos in hand to hand combat, and when he threw blows at me, a purple force stopped him each time. "It can't be-" I jumped and kicked him multiple times in the face. A sword appeared in my hand and I struck it over his face, leaving a deep cut. He picked me up and threw me away, smashing against the ship wall. I slid down, and didn't have the energy to get back up. My dad then fought him, trying to hurt him. He managed to get a small cut on his cheek, drawing a drop of blood. Everyone starts to take a hold of him after Nebula crashed a ship on Thanos. I summoned my lasso and wrapped it round his torso, pulling as hard as I can to restrain his movements. Mantis restrained him with her powers, looking sad. "He is in anguish. He... he mourns." She wept. "What does this sack of plums have to mourn?" I growled. 


Nebula walked over to Thanos. "He went to Vormir. He came back with the Soul Stone, but not his daughter." I looked over at Quill, who was fuming. I tied a knot on my lasso and attempted to restrain him. "Quill, calm down. You have to calm down..." My efforts were in vain as he shoved me aside and started punching Thanos. He woke, rampaging us all. He threw my lasso off, throwing everyone around. I felt a purple power in my hands and I punched the ground, temporarily throwing Thanos off course. He threw a moon on Dad, and the gravitational balance was disrupted. Peter pulled me to him, keeping me close whilst attaching everyone to his web to keep them safe. I let go and ignored his yells, flying towards the battle with Strange and Dad. I activated something green around my wrists, landing in front of Thanos. 

"It's the special one." Thanos smirked.

"What are you talking about, prune?" I grunted.

"Your new powers. You haven't told her, Stark?"

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