The Next Morning

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Time Skip brought to you by Dr Strange

I woke up, gradually opening my eyes. I felt something heavy on myself, and that's when it hit me. 

Peter was hugging me to him.

I looked daggers at Liz, Ned and MJ as they stared at the two of us, containing their laughter. 'Get him off me!' I mouthed furiously. They shook their heads, MJ letting out a giggle. I tried to pry myself out of his grip, but he pulled me to him more. "I love you..." he mumbled. Liz, Med and MJ had to cover their mouths, but it didn't mask their giggles. I'm  pretty sure that Peter meant Liz. I don't have a chance with Peter. I felt him bury his face in my hair, and his hand slipped under my shirt, feeling my waist. God, that guy was clingy when he slept. 

Mental note: Do not sleep next to Peter in a sleepover. 

Peter warmed me though. There was something about him that made me want to stay. But part of me didn't. His fingers entwined with mine. Oh boy. My stomach did a couple backflips. 

I had enough. I pulled out of his grip, making him stir, got ready quickly and left as quickly as I could, telling off Liz, Ned and MJ, who happened to be videoing the whole thing. I don't have time for this. I've got places to be.

— Peter's POV —

I woke up to the sounds of people laughing loudly. I saw MJ, Liz and Ned howling in laughter on the couch. Oh boy. "Where's Amber?" I asked. I felt like something had been on my face the second before, and my hands were warm. Ned fell off the couch in mirth and MJ showed me the video. I was horrified. I can't believe I said that in my sleep, and how did I manage to shift over to her in my sleep? What do I do? 

I went to the first person I could think of. Mr Stark. He has a solution for everything, so why not now? I entered the Avengers building, registering at the desk and asking for the room in which he was in. I heard a familiar voice getting louder. 

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, run trial 267 for the compatibility of the features of the Iron Man Mark 91. I need everything to go smoothly." I saw Amber jogging down the steps, holding a tablet in her hand, tapping on it. 'Running trial. Trial successful.' "Yes! Finally! I can start the work on those defensive weapon no-" She saw me. She was wearing a slim-fit hoodie and ripped jeans. She looked, smoking hot. It's like something clicked in my head. She almost dropped her tablet when she saw me. "Peter, what are you doing here?" She whispered. "I could say the same for you, Amber! What are you doing here?!" I retorted.

"She works with me." 

Mr Stark descended the steps. "How are you doing on the compatibility trials?" He whispered to her. She gave a thumbs up. "It worked. Ready to go on the defensive mechanisms." "Great." He gave her a fist bump and faced both of us. "And Peter here has a Stark internship. Peter, Amber here is my soon-to-be co-owner. She has a brilliant mind and I want to put it to use." Now I realise the colours on her watch. It's Iron Man's colour scheme. "Hey, AMBER! The TV's down again!" a voice yelled down the corridor. "Clint, for the last time, my job is NOT fixing the downstairs TV. Try inserting the blue wire again. It may have come loose." There was a slight pause. "Thanks!" Clint yelled. "Peter, you came here to talk to me?" Mr Stark asked me. I nodded and he led me into his office. "So, what do you want to talk about? Want a new suit?" He asked. "Girl advice." I replied. "Ah. Tell me what happened this morning." He smirked. "Well, I woke up and felt weird. My hands were warm and my face felt like it had brushed against something. My friends showed me a video where I was pulling Amber to me in my sleep. And guess what the worst part was?! I mumbled I love you in my sleep! I'm mortified!" I explained. Mr Stark looked calm. He merely turned and typed on his computer. Seconds later, the whole of the Avengers crashed through the door. "Did it finally happen?" Nat asked. Mr Stark nodded. Thor laughed loudly and clapped me on the back. "The spider has finally grown up!" He announced. "You picked a good one, kid." Clint smirked. "Woah, what's going on?" I asked in confusion. "You, my boy, are in love." Mr Stark told me. "Wait, with Amber?!" I shrieked. "I scanned your vitals when you talked. When you mentioned Amber your heart rate went up and you became warmer than you usually are. It shows. Youuu, like her." Mr Stark grinned. Oh no. I like my best friend. What do I do, what do I do? "Don't worry, boy, we've got your back." Mr Rogers smiled. "We won't let Miss Castello know." Vision grinned. 


I was talking to Ignition again. I just want to throw off her mask and see who she is. I think I like her too. I can't stop thinking about her and Amber. "So, how did you get your powers?" I asked. "I was experimented on, by Hydra. The Infinity Stones's power was put into me one by one, and the lab exploded because I couldn't control my powers. I escaped, but the destruction followed me wherever I went. Until I met Stark. He helped build me this suit, trained me, and I fight crime now. I take it you were bitten by a radioactive spider?" She explained, her intense blue eyes sad. I nodded. A beeping sound came and she checked her watch. "Time to go save someone. See ya, Spiderboy." She flashed a smile that made my stomach do backflips and she flew off. 

My Heart is On Fire (PETER PARKER X READER)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora