Thanos from the Past

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I was holding the gauntlet in the air, the energy from the Power Stone preventing the ceiling from crushing me where I stood.

'Mayday! Mayday! Does anybody copy? The lower level is flooding!' I heard Rhodey desperately report from the comms. "I'm here, Rhodes. Just preventing myself from dying. Try to exit from the south side, there's an opening detected." I replied, coughing.

'Thanos's goons are down here! Mayday!' Clint yelled. "Clint, get up here and I'll hold them off. Get the gauntlet and go, Thanos can't get to them, you hear me?" I ordered. I waited and Clint came running towards me. I handed him the gauntlet and he ran. I sent a blast of red energy and vaporised the monsters. I climbed over rubble and arrived where Thor, Dad and Rogers were waiting. Thanos was doing...

Absolutely nothing.

"Where are the stones?" Rogers asked me.

"Gave them to Clint, so somewhere under all this." I replied.

"You know it's a trap, right?"

"Yeah, and I don't much care."

Thor got Stormbreaker and transformed his clothes. We walked towards Thanos, who was doing nothing yet again. Thanos chuckled. 

"You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. But you've shown me that's impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."

"Yep we're all kinds of stubborn." I smirked.

"I'm thankful. Because now, I know what I must do. I will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then– With the stones you've collected for me, create a new one. Teeming with life, but knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe." He explained. "Born out of blood." Rogers spat. 

"They'll never know. Because you won't be alive to tell them."

We ran forward and started battling Thanos. "Ok Thor, hit me." Thor charged up Dad's blaster and beams were thrown at Thanos, who deflected them with his blade. Thor chucked Mjonlir at Thanos, but he uses Dad as a shield. Thanos picks Thor up, choking him, and when Thor summons Stormbreaker, he pushes it into his chest. Suddenly, he was hit with Mjolnir, which was thrown by Rogers. 

"I knew it!"

Thor was swatted away as Captain engaged with battle. "Cap, hit me!" I yelled. He threw the hammer to me and I gave Thanos a vicious uppercut to his stomach. I blasted the energy of the Power Stone at Cap's shield and he deflected it towards Thanos, who got hit in the face and was thrown five feet backwards. Thanos stabs Cap in the leg and destroyed his shield. 

I was up. 

I summoned my lasso and swung round Thanos, hooking it round his neck and pulling him down. He got up, grabbed it and flung me away, but I teleported behind him and kicked him onto the floor. He grabbed onto my neck and lifted me into the air, but I forced his hand apart and turned his blade into rubber with the power of the Reality Stone. He grabbed my torso and flung me to the floor. I struggled to get up, but I eventually managed to get on my feet.

"In all my years of conquest– violence– slaughter– It was never personal. But I'll tell you now– what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet– I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much."

The entirety of Thanos's army came down and occupied a lot of the battlefield. I readied my powers, because I'd need a lot of it. 

'Hey Cap, on your left.'

The golden ring appeared, and many more. Heroes appeared from everywhere, Asgardians, Wakandans, Masters of the Mystic Arts, the lot. 



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