Final Battle

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I ran forward at lightning speed and pummelled the ground, sending a purple shock wave over to the enemy, killing some of them. I took on a Chitauri Gorilla single-handedly. I used the Reality Stone's powers and turned it into a balloon, then threw flames at it and destroyed it. I continued the fight, but all the same looking for Peter.

— Peter's POV —

I looked around for Amber when I landed, but I didn't see her anywhere. She must be on the far side, because this army stretches a long way. As I fought, I kept an eye out for her. I saw purple lights and some fire, so she must be there. I saw Mr Stark almost being flattened by a monster-thing, so I shot my webs and pulled it down, and the giant guy crushed it. I pulled Mr Stark up. "Hey! Holy cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? I must've passed out, Because I woke up, and you and Amber were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, "It's been five years. Come on, they need us." And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time–" Mr Stark moved towards me, "What are you doing?" He hugged me. I hugged him back. "Oh, this is nice." When we detached ourselves, I had an important question. "Where's Amber?" "Over there. She missed you a lot, you know? She broke fifty one trees for you, and brought you back. Go get her." I nodded. Wait. Fifty one trees?! 

I saw her raise a humongous fireball into the air and slam it on the ground, sending a wave of fire which destroyed a load of the monster thingies around her. Her eyes were doing the colour thingie again. I swung over to her and landed back-to-back, shooting webs at the monsters on my side.

"Great to have you back, Spiderling." She laughed. We both turned to each other and our lips connected, both of us shooting a monster behind us. "I missed you so much, Peter." She whispered. "I know. Mr Stark told me you broke fifty one trees for me." I joked. "That's true." We worked together, seeing Clint run with the gauntlet. 

— Amber's POV —

'La Cucaracha' played in the background. I wondered why someone would be the DJ in this fight. The gauntlet flew in the air and I chucked Peter in the air before flying up somewhere. 


The ship's guns turned and fired at me and Carol. We flew down and destroyed the ship completely, sending it crashing into the water. We flew down to Peter. "Hey, I'm Peter Parker. Hey, Amber." He mumbled. I smiled and shook my head. "Hey Peter. You got something for me?" I asked. He handed me the gauntlet. "I don't know how you're going to get through all that." He wondered, indicating the army. 

"Don't worry."

"She's got help."

Okoye, Pepper, Mantis, Hope, Gamora and Nebula came up beside me. We charged, and I held the gauntlet close to me but fought at the same time. I was so near the quantum tunnel when Thanos's blade crashed into the tunnel, and I was thrown backwards, the gauntlet sliding out of my grip. 

Thanos picked it up, and we all tried to stop him from snapping. Dad, Thor, Carol, then me. I ran forward and used my powers to force his hand open. It worked for a while until I lost energy, and collapsed. Peter shook me. "Hey, stay with me. Stay with..." 

Everything went black.

I woke up to a blinding flash of light. I staggered over to where Pepper was kneeling in front of...


His entire right side was burnt. I knelt down next to her and I clasped Dad's hands in mine. "You're going to be ok, Dad. I'll find a way. I will. You're not going anywhere." He smiled faintly, and his hands slid out of mine. His eyes looked blank, and his face expressionless. It- it can't happen. He's not... dead. He's not dead. He's just playing tricks on me. 

"Dad. Dad. Please. Wake up. Wake up. PLEASE! DAD!" I pleaded. Someone caught me by my torso and started leading me away. I tried to pull out of their grip, but my efforts were futile.

"NO! DAD! NO!"

Tony Stark is dead, and he's not coming back.

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