(Chapter 42) The Morning After (15k special)

Start from the beginning

"Well, saving your annoying ass from your psycho ex-boyfriend for starters" Y/n says, doing an even cutter pouty face, then turning away from me. "You're welcome by the way"

"Awww baby" I say as I wrap my arms around her. "Thank you, how about I show you my appreciation?"

"Lucinda no!" Y/n says as she tries to squirm out of my arms.

"Lucinda yes!" I joke as I plant kiss after kiss on her adorable cheeks. I drag her down to the bed with me and pull the covers over both of us. The light shines through the bedsheets just enough that I can see Y/n pressed up against my chest, wrapped up in my arms, looking up at me with wide eyes and a pouty face, looking like the most adorable kitty cat. "You alright down there?" I ask and only get a cute nod in response. "What happened to the flirty, confident Y/n?" Y/n just looks down, to the side, anywhere to avoid making eye contact. "Y/n? What's wrong?"

"I... I'm worried about you. I don't want you to get hurt" Y/n says as her eyes start swelling up with tears again. "I could barely do anything, I could barely help you when you needed me. I was stuck in bed"

"Y/n" I say as I cup her head in my hands and place my forehead on hers. "It's okay, I'm okay. We're okay. Y/n, if it wasn't for you then I wouldn't be here. So I should be the one thanking you. But still, I'm sorry I made you worry"

"Well, you're not forgiven" Y/n mumbles, clearly not being serious, as she pushes off of me and folds her arms.

"Awww, what can I do to make it up to you?" I joke. "I'll do anything to make it up to you" I whisper seductively as I run my fingers up her leg.

Y/n grabs my hand, pushes me back down to the bed and starts kissing me passionately. "That's a start" Y/n says.

"Well if that's a start" I say as I move my arms above my head and rub my leg up and now hers. I smirk and whisper seductively, "I can't wait for the rest"

Y/n P.O.V

Ugh. What time is it? I look around for any sign of my phone and find it on a nightstand. I reach over, turn it on and see that it's now 7:48 in the afternoon.

I lever my arm out from under Lucinda and shuffle out of bed. I look around the messy room, clothes on the floor and a dent in the wall? I scan for something to wear and end up grabbing one of KC's spare bikinis but quickly figure out that KC's clothes are far too small for me. I end up grabbing one of Lucinda's spare bikinis since we're fairly similar in size, with Lucinda being slightly bigger, not that I'm complaining. I side on some shorts and look for my hoodie, though for some reason it's nowhere to be found.

I give Lucinda a quick kiss on the cheek then slowly close the door behind me. Judging from the noise and smell coming from the roof, seems that's where everyone is. I quickly sneak into Aph's room and grab one of Aaron's hoodies. I slide my arms through the smooth fabric and move my hair so that it all falls over my right shoulder and onto my chest.

After I'm satisfied with my scruffy appearance, I make my way to the bottom of the stairs and take a deep breath in.

Heading up the stairs, I find that I'm immediately greeted by all sorts of smells and sounds. Fresh food, people chatting and just an all-around welcoming atmosphere. Aaron, Garroth, Garte and Katelyn's dad, Eric, are all around a BBQ cooking all sorts of food from burgers, bacon, kebabs, chops and sausages. Aphmau, KC, Katelyn and Ivy are all in the pool relaxing. Mom, Hyria, Sylvana, Dante, Zane and Ivy are all at a large table that's been set up in the middle of the roof, talking amongst themselves.

A Witches Spell (Lucinda X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now