The letter (Bonus Chapter)

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This is actually a bonus chapter I wrote :)

Open when I'm gone.

My dearest Emma Swan,
Emma Swan? Has a nice ring to it don't you think? I've always liked the sound of that, haven't you? Or if I wasn't locked up in this cell with a death sentence, Emma Jones.

Oh, Emma, I'm so sorry. I am so sorry I couldn't give you the life you deserve but I have to pay for the things I have done. Nothing I've done can ever compare to taking your twin brother away from your parents, and you.

Emma I know you, I know the real you. And I know that right now, your probably feeling lost. So let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess and a terrible pirate. The terrible pirate was bloodthirsty with revenge and because of that he did some terrible things. Really, really terrible. Despite that, however, the Princess got through to the pirate and helped him see his ways were wrong and eventually the princess and pirate fell in love. Their love was not easy, in some ways it was in fact forbidden. Their forbidden love however was strong enough to get through anything, for it was true and pure, and one day that love produced a child. All was well, the pirate even proposed and they got engaged until one fateful day the pirates past caught up on him and his mistakes caused him to be killed. He accepted that but the princess wouldn't give up. She believed both she and her baby needed the pirate, but she was wrong. She is strong enough to survive anything and no matter what the pirate will always be in her heart and will always be with her. She doesn't need him, not anymore. Once she did, so she could grow and gain the confidence that she was in fact the true Queen of the land but now the pirates work is done and he can leave with peace knowing that the princess and his baby will be happy. Neither of them must forget, they made each other better, they allowed each other to grow and become the best versions of themselves and despite anything that happens, they must keep that.

The girl's name was Emma because yes, that is our story darling.

You're a brave woman with a kind, good heart.
You're a woman who has hope.
You're a good person. A light person.

Please love, never give that up. I don't think I could bare it. Because Emma, I love you and this child more than anything, more than you could ever know.

Yes, your future is uncertain but I'll always be by your side. Yes you'll face a difficult path ahead and raising a child won't be easy but you can do it. I believe in you.

Our child will know me, through you. Share our story but please don't tell her how I really died, I don't want her to be dark. I want her to be happy. Just tell her I died so you two could have a good life, that will be enough for me.

Your twin brother, James his name is. Find him, bring him home. Cora put him in a castle with a powerful protection spell on it but with your power, I believe you can break it. For you are powerful. Reunite your family, fix the mistake I made long ago. Please.

Darkness is a hard path that is not easy to get off of. Take it from me, vengeance is tempting, the darkness always is. Resist it. Revenge is a bad choice so please don't go seeking it. The prophecy's say you will be a great hero, I believe you can be that hero. You will be that hero. I know it.

Stay brave and hopeful and everything will work out. Keep the love of your family in your heart. Keep my love in your heart but also move on and be happy. Don't stay stuck in the past, please it will only end badly.

I love you. I love you more than life itself, more than you'll ever know. All I want for you is to be happy. Go and take that happy ending Emma. With our child and maybe one day you'll find a new love.

Be a mother.
Be a hero.
Be a daughter.
Be my Emma Swan.

My ever lasting love,

Ps- Never forget I love you, never think I don't. Just because I didn't make that choice to go through the portal with you, doesn't mean I don't, never think that. I made that choice because I have to make up for my mistakes and this is the only way I'll ever be able to do that. My work is done here, and when I die all my debts will be payed. I can leave knowing that you and our babe will be happy. I can leave knowing you have a family, your parents, your brothers (darling believe me when I say, they've done nothing wrong) and now our child.

And now I must go and leave this land so I say with tears in my eyes but love in my heart.



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