Chapter 6

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I'm wearing my gloves. That shouldn't have happened. That should not have happened. I didn't mean to do that. I look around, Captain Hook isn't frozen but everyone else is. I look down at my hands and pull them up to my chest. I can't control my magic, even with the gloves on. Maybe they're the wrong gloves? No, silly thought. They are the right pair. I lift one hand back and think of my magic. Trying to use it again but the gloves prevent me from doing so.

What just happened?

I take a deep breath, then another, and another. I look up at Hook who is looking at me with a raised, but concerned eyebrow.

"You alright princess?" He asks, and I shake my head. I look down at the floor and consider running away because I could endanger people if I can't control my magic, but Hook says before I can: "Hey, come here, I might have just the thing to calm you down," rum? I hope so.

I walk over, going up the wooden steps at standing beside him. He's staring out at the horizon, where the afternoon sun is beginning to set.

"What're we looking at here?" I question, looking at him carefully. I'm not incredibly sure of his intentions, does he still want his revenge? I'm not sure but somehow I don't think so. I get that feeling from him that he's moved on but so quickly? Just from that speech? Unlikely.

"The sea," he tells me, giving me a 'how dumb are you?' look. "In times of trouble, I've always found it to be quite relaxing," I look at the sea and release a breath.

"Yeah, it is," I admit, looking at him. It couldn't hurt to ask, could it? "Are you still after your revenge?" He looks at me and raises his eyebrow again.

"No," he says, looking into my eyes, and with that, there is suddenly tension between us. Not tension you would get in an argument... more friendly tension? No that's not it.

"Why?" I ask, "Why give it up if you were so close?"

"Theirs something about you princess," he says in a lower voice. Would he stop calling me princess? It's actually quite annoying. "I can't quite put my finger on it, or rather my Hook, but there's something about you," his husky voice and his deep blue, sparkling eyes. His perfect eyebrows and brown hair. This is all so wrong, this shouldn't be happening. Our lips are slowly drawing closer, this is so wrong. We should be friends yet alone... this. For one, he's a pirate and I'm a princess, for two he stabbed me and not even mentioning he literally just tried to kill my parents. I don't even know him. This is so wrong and yet my lips are an inch closer to his, invading his personal space. This is so wrong and yet I don't care but care all at the same time. I can feel his breath, I can see his gorgeous lips. I take a deep breath and just as our eyes close, with our lips almost about to touch, he pulls away.

I close my eyes for a few seconds, needing to process what just happened. Why am I disappointed? This is all so wrong but it feels so right. His breath mingling with mine, that felt right. Our lips drawing closer, that felt right.

"Sorry," he mumbles, leaning back on the edge of the ship. "That... You're a princess," I lean back on the ship and sigh.

"Yet sometimes I wish I wasn't," he looks at me, perplexed, making me laugh. "I can't have a life, not a proper one. All the decisions I have to make are for the good of the kingdom, not for me. I'm not meant to be happy or find love. I can't live a proper life the way I want, because I have these, expectations,"

"Maybe when your queen you can fix that," he answers. For a few minutes, neither of us talk so the only sounds are the waves softly hitting the ship and the birds singing their songs. "It was my brother and a woman called Milah," he says, looking at me carefully. At first, I'm a bit confused but then I realise that he's talking about his past. "Years ago when I was in the Royal Navy, the king told us that he needed something, a plant that would help heal people. So, we agreed to pick it up and when we got to the island, a boy told us what we were in search of was in fact a deadly poison. I tried to tell my brother, but he didn't believe me and to assure me he scratched himself with it. Alas, the boy was right, he died, and it was all my fault,"

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