Chapter 16

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What is Killian to me?

Love, happiness, hope, strength. That is what he is to me. We are only friends and yet he's my everything. He corrects me when I'm wrong, he listens to me, he treats me the same even though I'm a princess. Even though I'm of a higher status. Theirs only three people in this world who truly understand me, who truly know me. He's one of them, the other two being my brothers, Neal and William. They are the only people who accept me for me and the only ones I don't have to keep secrets from or change myself for.

"Sis?" Neal asks after a few moments of silence. I look at him and sigh, deciding to awnser in just one word.

"Everything," I admit, speaking quietly. At this I see him take a deep breath and look at me as if surveying me carefully.

"You sound almost ashamed or embarrassed about that," he informs me, making me laugh and shake my head.

"No not that, it just makes me scared," I tell him, fiddling with the swan charm on my necklace.

"Because you haven't ever really been in love or because of the choice you know you have to going to make?" Neal asks, making me look at him questioningly. "You said it yourself, mother and father are never going to except Hook. That leaves you with an impossible choice. Love or duty? You will have to choose sis, no matter how much you hate it. And sadly there is only one choice our parents will ever accept,"

Love or duty? My happiness or the kingdoms? Me or the kingdom? He's right, an impossible decision.

"You will have to choose sis," Neal continues. "Because before you know it, the decision will be made for you," his expression turns neutral and his face softens.

"If I choose Edward I'll have to give up Killian. If I choose Killian, I'll have to live on the run because father would have him killed on sight," I say, barely a whisper.

"I know you, sis. You've never wanted an arranged marriage, and you never will," Neal says, still looking directly into my eyes. I can only nod, he's right. I will never want to marry by arrangement. It will be for love. "Which means you've already made your decision. Probably the wrong one, but you've made it,"

"What do you mean the wrong one?" I interrupt him, wanting to know what he means. Neal takes a deep breath and looks off into the distance.

"To be with him you'll have to run away. Which means you haven't made your decision yet. You'll have made your decision when you either slipping a ring into your finger or running off with a guy you love. You've made a wrong decision by not making one at all yet," as he's saying this, not once does he look away from the sky. He just keeps staring.

His words sink in and I gulp down the lump in my throat.

"You've made your decision by heart, now you just need to act upon it. Until then, your decision remains unmade,"

Killian. My choice is Killian. I will never marry someone I don't love.

"I think there's someone I need to talk to," I say quietly, already getting up. I turn to Neal who is smiling. "What?" I ask, slightly confused. He walks up to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Over the last month, you've been happier, calmer, less scared. It's been great to see you that way. Hooks really made you better. I love you and if you choose to run, I want you to know that I support you," he confesses, making me smile. For a few seconds, I stay there before pulling away.

"Now, I need to go and find my pirate,"
I managed to sneak away from the castle without anyone noticing. I have my pink cloak on, with the hood up even though it is fairly warm out here today. No one has noticed me so far, which is good, not even the guards.

I'm going down the route Killian showed me, using the reigns of my horse to make her go faster. I can't wait to see Killian again. Tell him how I feel. Neal was right, I have a choice to make that won't be made until I marry or run. Although I'm going to Killian now, technically I still haven't made my choice. I want to be with Killian but part of me doesn't want to run away. Despite the hardships, I do love my life here and I can't see myself wanting to leave it.

Before I left, I made sure to write a note to Killian telling him to meet me here. I hope he got it because I know I don't have that long until I have to be back.

I sit on the log in our place, looking around. It looks magical, the way the suns shining through the vibrant green leaves. The way the daisies and dandelions are dotted around. This spot, it's just incredibly beautiful.

"Swan?" Killian's voice comes from behind me. I grin that goes from ear to ear appears on my face and I stand up, running over to him. I pull him into a hug, nearly knocking him over. We both laugh and he pulls away from me to look into my eyes. "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon,"

"Me neither," I admit, looking to the ground but then up into his dazzling eyes again. "But," I take a deep breath, "Someone made me see something and I knew I had to speak to you right away," his look turns confused.


"My brother Neal. He made me see that I can't be afraid of the feelings I have for you," we've both pulled apart completely now, but we're still so close. I can feel his leather jacket brushing over my dress which makes me smile.

"Are you saying?" He questions, looking at me with a look on his face. I can't really describe what look, just his look.

I don't awnser in words, instead, I use actions. Sometimes actions speak louder than words and right now is one of those times. I brush my lips against his, wrapping my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. I can feel his arms going around my waist, rubbing my back. Before I know it he's twirled me around and I'm in the air, kissing him passionately.

I don't know how long we stay like that, with our lips merged together and our tongues dancing. It just makes me feel so complete. Eventually, though I do pull away and Killian puts me back on the ground, our heads still rested together.

"Does that awnser your question?" I reply, smiling giddily. Our warm breath mingles together, both of us still trying to catch our breath.

"Aye," He smiles, his eyes opening to look into mine.

"This isn't going to be easy, especially with who my father is, but I want to try," I say, pulling away but with my hands still around his neck. He smiles at me again before pulling me into another kiss.

"Aye," he murmurs but I barely hear it because it's so quiet and it's just swallowed up with our kiss. "I do too," and I just smile, completely forgetting we are kissing.

We are going to try this and it is going to work.

Forbidden Love (Dare to love #1) (OUAT fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now