Chapter 28

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I'm really sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've had jabs (not covid) and was quite ill after them, especially the first one. Then I also am on summer holidays now so more updates maybe?? Hugely sorry I left you on such a big cliff hanger but I hope you enjoy! To let you know I am very far into EA with 14 more chapters left to write!

"What?" I can't process his words, no this is too crazy. He's making this up... he had to be. No, I only have two brothers. One of which is a complete-

"You have a twin brother,"

And at this moment I realise he's right. My mind floats back to something that happened not so recently.

He looks so... similar to my father, to me. He can't be that much older than me either. I feel a connection to him. Who is he? His hair is dirty blond like father's and he has mothers eyes. His chin and smile are the same as mine, as are his eyes. Why does he look like me, like mother, like father?

I know who he is now, and boy that is the last person I would even think of.

My twin.

Now I know why I felt a connection, now I know why he looked so familiar to father, to mother, to me.

The question is what happened to him? What did Killian do? When did it happen? Why isn't he here now? Why was I never told about him? Where is he? Is he dead? He can't be... that vision. It was him. I'm sure of it.

"I... What? When? Why? Where?" I ask having so many questions I can only stutter out those four words. I feel so very shocked and extremely overwhelmed. Is this okay for the baby? Am I harming it by being so shocked? I really hope not.

"Cora wanted me to take your brother away from your parents," Killian starts, not really answering any of my questions. "And so I did. Before your parents could even hold their baby boy," I can feel my breath quickening. This is not good for the baby.

"How did you even get past the guards?" I question, surely one man can't get past all our guards. Surely? They'd have more guards just in case anyone wanted to steal a baby? Wouldn't they?

"Pirate," Killian laughs, "My crew helped, although I told them we were just stealing treasure. They did not know that treasure was a baby. If they did they wouldn't have helped," I'm about to ask why but he continues speaking. "We may be pirates but we do have a code. One of them being never, never take a baby from its mother especially if it hasn't even been held by her yet. I broke that rule Emma, and for what? My revenge. I stole your brother from your parents,"

"Did you kill him? Is that why I never was told about him?" I ask, wondering why I wouldn't have.

"No, I gave the baby to Cora, and she didn't kill it. She locked him away, for 'safe keeping' so she said. Your parents tried Emma, they fought for your brother, but they never found him,"

We don't have long. We can't stay here. We must use that bean.

"Killian, it's the past. I forgive you but that's not important right now," I say, pulling the bean out of my pocket. "Blue gave it to me, we must use it. Go to another land, without magic where nobody can ever hurt us," I get out a pin from my pocket, about to pick the lock but Killian places his hand on mine.

"Emma," his voice is so broken so filled with pain. "Emma I didn't think my past was going to affect me now but being locked up I've learnt something. Your past always comes back to haunt you. You can't just hide away and hope your past can remain hidden because it can't. The past will always reveal itself and make you pay for mistakes," a tear falls down his face, I get back up standing on wobbly feet.

Looking at him I realise something. He doesn't want to escape. He blames himself and wants to pay for his mistakes. No!

"You don't want to escape," I gasp, breathing heavier than before. "No! You'll be killed!"

"And pay for stealing your brother, pay for making your family incomplete, making your parents suffer. I will pay for trying to kill your family," he tells me, cupping my cheeks with his hand.

"But I can't live without you," I cry. The tears that had been blooming in my eyes now free themselves, flowing freely down my cheeks. "We can't live without you," I correct myself, placing my hand over my stomach and looking at him as realisation floods him.

"Your pregnant," he states, his face staying neutral, showing no emotion however his eyes do. He's crying, tears also flowing down his cheeks. Happiness glimmers there, and expectance.

Expectance of his death.

"Yes, and your child needs you. I need you," my voice is desperate, pleading him to not accept this fate but my attempts are futile. 

"No, you don't. As long as our child has you they won't need me,"

"But they'll never know you," I bite my lip to hold back a scream. I want to shout some sense into him, scream at him until he agrees to escape with me. "They'll never be held by you, you'll never even know the gender," his hand goes gently over my stomach, feeling our love growing there.

"This child will know me, Emma, through you. And yes I'll never hold them, never see their first smile and I won't even live to find out if it's a lad or a lass," At this, I burst into tears and as I do so I look at Killian who is trying to remain strong but the pain in his last words is evident. "But that doesn't matter. You know why?" I shake my head. "Because they'll have you, their mother,"

I hear footsteps.

"Our time is almost up Swan so I need to give you this," he says, pulling out the chain that the ring was once on. "It's just a chain yes, but please give it to our child so at least they have some part of me," he says and I nod my head. "Remember that I'll always love you, no matter what. As long as you hold hope in your heart I'll always be with you. You have a good heart Emma Swan and I know you'll hold onto that," and then he kisses me. The kiss is so passionate and so loving. I hear the guards and my parents along with Neal come in but I ignore them and carry on kissing Killian.

"Emma!" Father shouts, I can hear him drawing his sword. "Get your scummy hands off him, pirate," he spits, and I can feel the guards pulling me off. "How dare you kiss my daughter scum rag,"

"I love you, Killian!" I shout, needing to get the words out of my mouth, needing him to hear me. I love you Killian so much, more than anyone can understand. You can't die, please.

But it's too late.

"You shall be killed in the morning,"

Sorry to make you all sad but don't worry there is still a chance for Killian to be saved!

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