Chapter 2

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I awake to light flooding through my room. As I open my eyes I see Grace opening my curtains.

"Morning Princess," She greets with a big smile, I smile back and give a short yawn.

"Morning," I say back, sitting up in my bed. I look around my room to see Grace has prepared a bath for me which is good because who knows when I'll be able to bath properly again. I mean I'll be able to have a bit of a wash but not a big wash. Neal doesn't seem to mind washing in rivers, neither does mum or William but dad and I do. We agree that bathing should be in private. I do wash when we go on travels like this, I just don't like it.

"Thanks for the bath," I say getting out of my bed and heading behind my folding screen. I take off my lace cardigan and fling in over the top of the board.

"That's quite alright princess I know how much you hate washing out on travels, just thought you might like a proper bath before you go," she smiles, throwing a towel over to me. Once I remove my nightgown and under tunic, I wrap the towel around me.

"Can I go in it now?" I ask, really wanting to get into that warmth of the bubbly water.

"Of course my lady," Grace answers so I peek my head around. She is going through my wardrobe, picking me out something to wear. "Which dress would you like to wear?" She asks me. I have lots of different clothing for lots of different occasions including, war, riding, day, evening, evening ball, meeting someone of royal status, super fancy, day ball and casual, of course, casual is still a dress though. If I wasn't a princess I probably wouldn't wear dresses so much, it's just something mother and I are expected to do (I know she doesn't always like it either)

"Can I wear my light pink one?" I ask her, "And with the fur, silk cape with it?" I ask, removing the towel and getting into the bath.

"Of course my lady, do you want me to tie your hair back?" She asks from the other side of the room. I would say yes but I can use my magic to dry it quickly after anyway which means I can wash it now. I didn't wash it yesterday so I want to today.

"No thanks, I'll just use my magic after," I inform her, looking at her while she makes my bed. "Do you know where my cloth is?" I ask looking around when I can't see it.

"Oh yes, of course, sorry," she sighs, handing me it seconds later. I smile in thanks and dip it underwater, running it up to my leg to my stomach.

Once I'm washed, changed and ready for the day I head to the dining hall. Mother, father and Neal are already there and as I enter I hear William come in behind me. As I sit down, I also notice the two women from last night, Mary and Scarlet ain't think their names are. I smile warmly at them before picking up two pieces of bread along with some meat and cheese.

"Morning," I smile, looking at my parents who smile back at me. As much as I complain about them wanting to marry me off, I do love them. I really do, I understand they want what's best for me they just don't realise marrying me off isn't best.

"Morning honey, morning William," my father says, taking a bite of his bread. I love a slice of bread with meat and cheese for breakfast, it's really nice. I look over at our guests to see they look happy too, probably not used to this quality of food.

"Morning, are you guys ready to go?" Mother asks Neal and I. As my mouth is full I just nod my head.

"Are you or father going?" Neal asks, looking at our parents.

"I am," mother smiles, "I hope you're ready to go because we leave after breakfast," I'm ready, all I need is my cloak which my maid Grace is holding. In our land once you turn 18 it is a custom to wear a tiara/crown when going out, so I don't have to go upstairs I already have it on. Since I'm a girl, I wear a tiara while once Neal and William are of age, they will wear a prince crown. However, since I have been named heir, my tiara has jewels in it, (theirs won't) and when I am queen, I will get a crown, like, my mother. She is also wearing hers but dad isn't but I see his manservant holding it on a cushion.

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