Kuroo's POV

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My legs are sore from the match but I sprint to Y/N's side as her eyes roll to the back of her head and she starts to fall. I'm able to catch her just in time so she doesn't hit the ground.

There are a few spectators around us, and the whole team then sees what just happened. They encircle us all looking shocked and the spectacle alerts others. Of them, Akaashi breaks from the rest of Fukurodani and comes over.

"Tora!" I call. He's already crouched down by my side. "Take the bags, I'm taking her to the hospital."

"Shouldn't you take her to the infirmary here?" he asks, concerned.

"No. This might be more serious than just a sprain or physical injury. The emergency room is literally across the street, so I'm going there," I say sternly.

At that moment, Akaashi joins the circle and his eyes slightly widen when he sees who it is that just fainted.

Making eye contact with him, I say, "Don't let Bokuto see. You guys focus on your game."

He nods. "Let me know how she is later."

"I will. Good luck."

I then stand up, holding her in my arms. Coach grabs me and says, "Let us all know how she is. We will meet up with you there, but hurry first!" I give him a nod, and I take off.

I took her straight to the emergency doc on call who immediately had personnel put her on a gurney and took her off to get a head CT.

"Doc, where can I find her after?" I asked, breathless from running.

"Just sit in the waiting room for now, I'll come find you. What's her name? Are you family? Boyfriend?" he said.

"Her name's Y/N. And neither, I- I'm just a.. friend," I stated.

He patted my shoulder almost as if in pity and replied, "Okay. Well, the scan should be done in a few minutes so I'll get you then."

Instead of sitting down though, I continue to stand. How could I sit still right now, worried out of my mind? But I go over to the seats anyways and slide into one of the seats, the adrenaline dissipating and suddenly I was exhausted.

i'll just close my eyes for a second, I think to myself, resting my head on my hand. Just a little bit... to rest my eyes..

"Kuroo! Wake up dude.. Y/N's conscious," I hear Tora's voice say.

I peel my opens and for a moment forget where I am. Ah sh*t. I had fallen asleep in the waiting lobby.

"What- how long was I out for?" I ask, aggressively rubbing my eyes.

"It's been about an hour and a half since she fainted, so you were probably out for like an hour. We kept calling you but when you didn't pick up we came straight to the emergency room to ask about Y/N. I only just now found you here," he explains.

"Oh, sorry about that. Is she ok? Did the doc diagnose her with anything serious?" I ask.

Tora shakes his head. "Nah, it was just a stress-induced thing.. i forgot what exactly it was called but it was that paired with a lot of sleeping pill drugs in her system."

Sleeping drugs? Jesus, does she not know how to proportion those out? Why the hell ...

I nod and get up. The small relief I got from knowing she was okay was replaced with a much more sinister feeling.

"Where's her room?" I say through clenched teeth. 

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