Second Thoughts

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As predicted, last night lasted a million years and it's still not even fully morning.

Every possible question from when I first met Bokuto to our first kiss was posed and I did my best to feign excitement answering them. And on top of that, we had to plan out the little things for the upcoming pool party like gathering drinks and snacks. I was exhausted and really just wanted to pass away ..

Yet I couldn't sleep a wink. Of course. I was left alone with my own thoughts pondering what I was going to tell Bokuto but not even knowing what I wanted.

The morning couldn't come faster so I get up first to clean myself up before anyone's alarms go off. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I leave the bathroom and run into Kuroo who looked like he was also going to wash up.

"I guess seeing you early will be a regular thing," he starts. "You and your new boytoy couldn't meet at the usual last night huh?"

I shake my head. "Unfortunately that was the case. The other managers basically had me tied down in our room." Kuroo raises an eyebrow and I add, "They found out about Bokuto."

"Ah, no further explanation needed. They wanted to know how you started dating the owl."

I bite the inside of my cheek. "Except not really. We haven't actually gotten to the part where we talk about actually dating.." I hesitate before sharing more. But I trust Kuroo, and I'm sure he has similar thoughts to me about relationships being the player of Nekoma as he is so infamously called by all the girl students. He obviously doesn't believe in longterm relationships either.

"I don't know if I want to continue this.. whatever this is that I have with Bokuto. It's not even him though! He's amazing, funny and so full of life and I love being around him but I just have not had the best experience with relationships. I need so much more time to actually think through what I want and if this something worth pursuing." I say. I then proceed to tell him about my previous relationship and how that mess went down.

Kuroo pauses and seems to think about what to tell me next.

"Look, PinkU-san.. you've been hurt and you're thinking of how to avoid it in the future. I get it, that's just how you work. You see an issue, you think of and find ways to solve it. But avoiding all relationships forever? Maybe it's just not right timing. There are plenty of people who meet prematurely in their lives but if fate allows it, they'll meet again in the future and actually be able to invest in each other. It's not wrong of you to feel this way at all either. Relationships can be scary and obviously you are not ready to get into another one right now, right?"

I nod slowly, contemplating. Trying to lighten the mood, you arch an eyebrow and add, "You sound like you're speaking from experience. Do you have a special someone in your life?"

Kuroo rubs the back of his neck and I can see the hint of a blush on the tips of his ears. "Eh, well.. I mean there is this one girl.. I've been pining after her for a bit, though I doubt she sees me in that kind of way." Seeing my inquisitive smile he adds, "But of course I'm not beat up about it. Relationships are overrated. I'm going to be a bachelor for the rest of my life and have fun without all the commitment hahaha!"

Ah, there's the Kuroo I am used to. Though he just negated everything he said before. I punch him in the abdomen. "And that's exactly why half the female population at Nekoma hates you. Probably even the guys too."

Kuroo laughs at my small burst of violence then stops. "Seriously though, if you want to talk about your issue with Bokuto more, you can always hit me up. No promises I'll give you good advice but hey, we can hate on the concept of love and dating together."

I roll my eyes at him but am unable to suppress the laugh that follows. I feel like I can always count on him to cheer me up. "Psh, sure. Thanks, I guess that means we'll talk soon. I gotta go, but I'll see you later."

"See ya, PinkU-san."

Well, that was both helpful and unhelpful. Helpful because I was able to voice my thoughts out loud and process them better by doing so. Unhelpful because Kuroo is not the go-to person at all for relationship advice. I sigh internally.

You can think about this later, I think. Right now, gotta focus on practice and then on making sure the pool party plans don't go to sh*t.

Sorry, this one's really short but I'm working on the next part. Originally I was going to make one giant chapter but I decided against it. Next one should be out later tonight. Thanks for reading xoxo

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