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Everyone had already gathered at Gym 1 when Bokuto and I arrived. He gives my hand a squeeze and we separate to go to our respective teams' sides.

I find a spot next to Kuroo, who gives me a small reassuring smile. I return one and try to hide as much behind his 6"2 frame as possible even though I know it won't stop the impending admonishment about to be wrought. The coaches are all lined up at the front facing us, their expressions serious and intimidating.

Coach Nekomata, the oldest of them, speaks first.

"So you all know why you're here having this meeting. We aren't going to beat around the bush about it. What transpired last night was completely unacceptable. Going behind our backs to do something as reckless as holding a pool party? I'm truly disappointed in you all."

This was the first time I had ever seen Coach Nekomata lose his temper. His face was red and his voice was rising in anger. "And putting someone's life at danger at that! What were you all thinking- "

"Coach Nekomata."

His reprimand was cut short by Takeda-sensei from Karasuno. I thought our coach was scary but Takeda's chillingly calm voice sent shivers down my spine. The usually cheerful nerdy-looking teacher was now intimidating and seemed like a whole different person.

"Thank you for your concern. As the person supposed to have been supervising young Yachi, I truly feel responsible." He pauses, and it seems like the whole gym is holding their breaths. He then continues, "While I too feel strongly that your actions were irresponsible and foolish to say the least.. you are not completely to blame. You all have been working tirelessly and it is only natural to want rest and have fun during your summer break. For not acknowledging your hard work, I truly apologize."

Silence reigned down on the gym. Why is he saying sorry? We were the ones who went out of our way to throw a stupid party behind their backs. In what world-

"My only request is that you do not let this incident dampen your spirits or bar you from doing your best in your respective prefectures' tournaments. Let it be a learning lesson and fuel you to push yourselves even harder and be more disciplined. With that in mind, Yachi-san has something to say to you all as well."
People gasp in surprise, shock, relief, I'm not exactly sure. I just know that I was feeling all those things. Shimizu comes to the front and holds up her phone, and though it's small, we see Yachi on FaceTime smiling back at us.

"Yachi-san!!" Hinata exclaims. The whole gym sounds with callings of her name and phrases of how it's good to see her doing well.

"Hey, Hinata! Hey, everyone! I'm so sorry for worrying everybody but I'm really okay! The doctors and nurses have been taking very good care of me and will discharge me soon. Like Takeda-Sensei said, please don't let this incident bring you down. Try your hardest and do your best at your tournaments so we can see each other at Nationals!" she says energetically.

Though we are all opponents and are from different schools and parts of the country, in that moment it was like we were united as one collective team.

Don't let this dampen your spirits. No way in hell was a single one of us going to let that happen now.

"HAI!!" everyone shouts in unison.

The only punishment, though it wasn't an official punishment, was that we were not going to practice today and the camp ended a day early. Coach Nekomata was much less stern with us in our individual team meeting and reiterated Takeda-sensei's words to let this incident and this camp along with everything the players improved on better us in our upcoming tournament.

"I'm really really so sorry, Coach. I let you down," I apologize, bowing at a 90 degree angle to avoid making eye contact.

He sighs but then pats my shoulder gently. "It's not your fault, Y/n-san. This should just go to tell you that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. It'd be more concerning if you didn't make mistakes. And trust me, it's much better to make them now as opposed to when you're older and facing larger problems."

I really got off easy and definitely deserved more than a slap on the wrist, but for the moment I'm relieved.

We packed up all our things from our respective rooms and started loading them into our schools' busses. I did a final count of the bags and motioned to Coach that we had everything and were ready to leave. Before that, though, all the teams gather and everyone says their final goodbyes. I find the group of managers and hug everyone, saying goodbye and good luck. We all have tears in our eyes, as we have definitely built great friendships in such short a camp.

I continue saying bye to anyone I've interacted with this week, from Shinzen to Ubugawa and Karasuno. I then find Fukurodani's players and scan the crowd until my eyes land on the only guy who can make my heart race a million miles an hour. He sees me at the same time and runs to me. I meet him halfway and he picks me up in a bear hug.

"Hey hey hey, baby," he says into the crook of my shoulder.

"Hey, tiger," I reply. "I guess this is bye for now, huh?" I look up into his golden brown eyes that seem to gleam with the intensity of a thousand splendid suns.

"Yeah, as much as I hate it, I guess so. But you best believe I'm going to try to visit as often as I can, like every week? You're only a half hour away by train!" he says.

"We can meet in the middle. It'll be easier that way," I reply, smiling. Long distance can be hard but we were going to definitely make this work.

"Okay! That'll be good, hey hey hey!" he smiles genuinely and pulls me into a kiss. It's so strange to think a few days ago we were complete strangers yet I feel like I know him and his lips like the back of my hand. I hold him close, running my hands through his coarse hair.

I hear an annoying clapping behind me, and we break apart. It's Kuroo, who says, "Alright, alright, lovebirds. Hate to break up this little makeout session but we gotta get going."

Akaashi also comes along and tells us, "Us too. Our bags are all packed and the drivers are telling everyone to get on, Bokuto-San." He looks at me, bowing and saying, "Goodbye, Y/N-san. I'm sure we will see each other soon now that you and Bokuto-san are together."

I smile at him and say, "You're right about that. So better not get sick of seeing me!"

I turn to Bokuto again and he says, "Text me when you make it back. Get home safely."

"Mmk, I will. You too." I hug him one more time, prolonging it a bit and finally let go. He waves, and I wink at him.

It stings at the moment that I won't see him tomorrow and the next day after that, but I am reassured by the fact that this is only temporary. We'll see each other again soon.

Once I'm situated in the bus, I turn on Bokuto's iPod that I still have on me, put the earphones in my ears, and press 'play'. I look out the window at the bright sun and scenery passing by, replaying all the memories that the melody brings back.

Hi, I may not update for a day or 2 (sorry it's finals week). Hope you are enjoying so far and you have a great week. xoxo

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