La La Land

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For the next couple of hours, I'm in my own little La La Land. Even when I'm speaking with the other managers, I seem to be far away.

"Yo hoo. Y/N-san, you there?" Ubugawa's manager Eri says.

I'm forced off my dream cloud back to reality. "Sorry sorry.. what was that?"

"We are getting into the good stuff right now, pay attention haha! We only have two days left of this camp and we were saying we should do something fun tomorrow night! What do you say to a little night pool party?"

"Pool party? At night? I don't know how down the coaches would be for that," I reply.

"It'll be ok! They just go out to the local pub and get drunk with each other every night anyways so they won't even notice," Kaori says excitedly.

"It does sound fun and everyone has been working so hard.." I start.

I look around the table and my eyes stop at Shimizu.

"Shimizu-san, what are your thoughts on this?" If she says it'll be okay then I will also be down. She seems to be the most rational one here so I trust her judgment.

She lifts her glasses up her cute nose bridge and says, "I don't see the harm in having an event that will help us to relax a bit. As long as we are responsible and clean up after ourselves, it should be ok."

Everyone smiles and starts to get real excited, me included. I haven't done anything to just lay back in a while.

Once breakfast is finished, everyone had gathered in the gyms to get the day started. Stretching, conditioning, and drills as always. I oversee them do their rounds and continue feeding them balls. Warm-up usually takes about an hour so it's not long until we play the day's first match against Shinzen.

They serve first onto our side, Yaku receiving it like a pro directly too Kenma, who barely has to move to set it up. It goes towards Lev and ... BAM! Oh my goodness, I think to myself. He hit it, he actually did it on the first try.

"Wooo! Good job Lev, Kenma. Nice receive, Yaku!!" I shout. I'm so overjoyed and for the first time this week I put an O for hit on the first line of my clipboard. Coach Nekomata also seemed happy and laughs in my direction seeing my burst of enthusiasm.

The team definitely got hyped from the get go at that moment and before I know it, we won 25-19. At this rate, we are soo going to go to Nationals this year. I just have to research the other teams in our prefecture to see what their strengths are so we can combat them ahead of time. I'm making a mental checklist during the break and am so engrossed in it that I don't notice a certain Fukurodani pair come up to Nekoma.

"Hey hey hey, I see your blocks are finally improving," Bokuto says to Kuroo.

"Yeah and soon enough you won't be able to get a single spike against me," Kuroo retorts.

The frost-tip haired boy belts out a laugh. "Haha, in your dreams, neko. My spikes are too powerful for you to handle."

Lev strides up and butts into the conversation, "Bokuto-san! I will get really good and spike as hard as you can, if not harder!"

"oya oya?" Bokuto says slyly. "You hear that Akaashi? The happa says he will surpass me- "

"Lev, that's a bold statement coming from someone who can't even receive! You know this guy is one of the top 5 spikers in the nation?"

Akaashi adds, "Hm. So somehow he is only in the top 5 and not top 3 now."

"Don't mind." Kuroo says while patting Bokuto on the back mockingly.

"Don't hype me up just to have me knocked down right away!" he complains.

I watch this whole spectacle go down in front of me and honestly I could continue to watch them argue and bicker.. it's somehow so entertaining. They could have a whole show dedicated to showcasing their lives. Really wish I had some popcorn to accompany me.

Bokuto turns in my direction in time to see me try to cover my laugh.

"OI! Y/N-san, I'm gonna make it into the top 3 if it's the last thing I do!" he says.

I walk a few steps over to the group and say, "Mhmm, I know you will." I pat his head lightly, momentarily reminded of its texture when I ran my hands through his hair this morning. His tensed body relaxes and I put my hand down, seeing our fellow friends looking inquisitively at our interaction, once again.

I clear my throat. "Ahem, well if you're gonna do that and if YOU *points at Lev* are gonna prove yourself then it's back to work! C'mon c'mon on to the next match y'all!" I say, clapping my hands to get their attention.

"Yes'm!" they call.

They jog over to the adjacent court and I move to follow them when Bokuto catches my arm.

"Y/N, I can't seem to get enough of you," he says.

I'm surprised he says such a statement since Akaashi is right next to him and can hear clearly. When I look at him, he holds up his hand. "Bokuto-san has told me all the details of your relationship. I'm happy for you two. Though exactly what you two are at this point is unclear to me."

I relax a bit knowing we don't have to hide but what Akaashi says is true. What are Bokuto and I?

I look at the boy in question.

"That's a good point," I say. "We should talk about that, Kotaro."

Bokuto smiles and replies, "Yeah, let's do that today. Put it in your mental checklist." He winks. Huh, I don't remember telling him I do that often.

"Bokuto-san, our coach wants us over now," Akaashi says, and he heads over first.

Bokuto moves as if to follow so I'm about to say bye when he turns back and gives me the quickest peck on the cheek and runs off.

"HEY!" I exclaim, out of surprise at his boldness.

"Hey hey hey!" he replies, "I'll see you later!"

Nekoma's Manager (Bokuto x OC)Where stories live. Discover now