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The rest of the day flies by, probably because I'm having too much fun thinking about Bokuto and I.. and Nekoma getting real good to be ready for Nationals, obviously. All the players on our team keep getting better and better as well as more and more enthusiastic, an excitement that oozes right into you. Even Kenma has been noticing that Lev is improving by leaps and bounds, and he seems a little less annoyed to practice with the happa. Inuoka, our other first year, has much more experience with the game and has been helping Lev a lot as well. Ah, don't you just love comradery and teamwork?

Coach Nekomata motions to me to gather the team together and I call to Kuroo, "Hey captain, can you get everyone over to Coach? It's wrap up time."

"Your wish is my command, PinkU-san," he smirks. "Ok, boys! Over to Coach, make sure to pick up after yourselves!"

He's been awfully smug ever since he found out about Bokuto and I and it's kind of infuriating but what can you do? I just gotta get some dirt on him so we can be even and he can keep his mouth shut. Not that it'll be much of a secret anymore after the stunt Bokuto pulled earlier in front of practically everyone.

I let out a huff and join the huddle around Coach Nekomata.

"You are all improving and we are evolving as a team. Even an old man like me can see that. Keep it up and we'll be on our way to Nationals!" he finishes off.

The team shouts in agreement and do their final cheer before retiring for the night and going off to eat dinner.

After finishing a little earlier than everyone else, I head straight to the manager bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. I continue to wring my hair with a towel in the manager room when the door opens and an all too familiar frost-tipped head pops in.

"Kotaro!" I exclaim, surprised.

"Hey hey hey, here you are! I saw you leave early so I wanted to catch you," He says, grinning.

I'm sitting down on my futon and he treads over, plopping down on it and lying his head down in my lap. He hugs my leg and adds, "And catch you I did!"

I laugh and say, "Mhmm you caught me, tiger." I start doing what I wanted to do all day and glide my fingers through his hair. We stay like that for a bit, just looking at each other as I comb through his hair.

"Y/N.." he starts. But he never gets to finish his thought because the door swings wide open and the managers come filing in.

"AGH!" Yukie screams upon seeing Bokuto in our room. "Bokuto, the heck are you doing here. OH..!" She then takes in our situation and squeals. "You sneaky owl you!! Since when did you and Y/N-san start getting close? And Y/N!! You never told us about this!"

I laugh at all their shocked expressions. "It.. well it never really got brought up and we only got close kinda since yesterday."

"Hey hey hey! I'd say it started a little earlier than that but yes, behold your ace snagged himself a girl!" Bokuto says.

I flick his forehead lightly and retort, "Don't get cocky. If I were gay, I'd leave your butt for one of your cute managers here." I proceed to wink and blow a kiss to Yukie, who pretends to fan herself.

We all start laughing hysterically at Bokuto's speechlessness but I can definitely feel the managers' excitement at the existence of a new budding relationship and I know I'm going to have to give them all the deets later.

"But actually it's opportune that you are here because we have to talk about tomorrow's pool party!" Kaori says.

Bokuto's head instantly lifts up from my lap at that comment.

"Pool party? What party? I heard of no such thing. Y/N, did you know about this?" he asks.

I nod. "We were talking about it yesterday. I'm assuming we were going to tell you guys today at some point once we finalized everything."

Kaori says, "Yeah that's exactly what we are going to do. First things first, what time and which pool?"

Shimizu inputs, "The coaches usually go out at around 8PM, so let's do 8:30 to be safe. The largest pool on campus is the one between gyms 2 and 3 so that may be the best to hold it."

We form a circle and sit criss cross to discuss our plan further. While I'm listening to the other managers, Bokuto starts rubbing my back in a circular motion. I find the gesture really sweet and soothing, and I give him a smile and squeeze on the knee for being there.

"Ok, so is that everything? We aren't leaving anything out are we?" Eri says, after having written down everything on her phone notes.

Shinzen manager Mako adds, "I think we hit all the important things. Now, Bokuto-san, you need to tell all the boys about it."

"8:30 tomorrow night at the pool between Gym 2 and 3. Got it!" he repeats the plans. "This is gonna be a lot of fun, hey hey hey!"

I show him out to the hallway and he asks, "Same time, same place?"

"Mmm, probably not tonight, Kotaro. Something tells me the girls and I will be up late talking about.. us, haha," I reply. His face falls a bit but he picks himself up just as quickly.

"Ok ok! I can't wait for this pool party, though. It's gonna be a blast. The others will definitely get hyped about it too."

"Haha, I'm glad that we are doing it then. You all have worked so hard, it'll be nice to relax a bit."

"Yeah, you managers too. Our teams really couldn't do it without you all. Though from what I can see, Fukurodani still is on top," he smirks. I try to punch his side but he deflects me, laughing.

"You just wait. Nekoma's gonna kick your ass at Nationals, you'll see!" I say proudly.

Continuing to smile, Bokuto pulls me to him and cups my face. "I'm looking forward to YOU kicking my ass when I beat your team first." Before I can reply he kisses me. I go on my tiptoes so he's not breaking his neck leaning down to the height of my face. We've done this before yet I'm always surprised by the softness of his lips and how gentle his hands are. The same hands that can spike a 100 mph ball on the court.

We pull away and he whispers, "I do want to talk to you about us though. Before this camp is over preferably."

"Yeah, I know," I say, biting my lip. Are we trying to DTR? I admit I've been having so much fun with him but am I ready for a relationship especially now? "We'll find a time.. sometime."

"Mmm ok. Well if this is the last I'll see you tonight, sleep well Y/N," he replies. "Just imagine sleeping with me, should work like a charm." We kiss one last time and he hurries down the hall to the boys' room to deliver the news of tomorrow's plans.

I watch him go, too many conflicting thoughts crashing into each other in my head. It was all fun and games but now.. now it's starting to get into serious territory. What am I going to tell him when that talk comes? That this was great but we should leave while it's still good? But it's so nice, don't I want to prolong this? The thing is, I don't believe in long relationships. Couples will just naturally drift apart or worse they'll hurt each other like by cheating. As proof, that's what happened with my last boyfriend in America. I didn't even know he stopped seeing me romantically and I hear from a friend that he was out and about with our school's biggest slut. Now I hate that derogatory word against women but in this case, there is no better description. My ex, also a slut, just couldn't pass up the chance to.. what was the phrase he used.. finally get off doing it with someone actually attractive.

Damn, that stung for a bit but I've learned from it: relationships just don't work. No two people are destined to be together forever.

As these thoughts continue to race in my mind, I walk back into the manager room. And there, my fellow managers are waiting patiently for me to talk about Bokuto. I sigh. Tonight is going to be long.

Nekoma's Manager (Bokuto x OC)Where stories live. Discover now