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"Hi, Y/N-san!" says a pretty happa lady with beautiful silver hair.

"Aiba-san!" I exclaim. I see Lev's older sister waving and heading my way, trailed closely by a smaller girl, Akane Yamamoto who is Tora's little sister. I met both a few times before at Nekoma's prior matches. Aiba is super sweet and happy, and Akane is... very much energetic and loud like her older brother and she's on the school cheer squad. You feel that slight headache at the base of your temple again but you ignore it. "Glad to see you both could make it! I hope the drive wasn't too terrible getting here."

"It wasn't bad at all! We are so excited for their match, I'm sure they're gonna be great," Aiba says.

"Ha. Of course they are. No team is a match for Nekoma, they're gonna win this whole thing," Akane says confidently. I smile politely and excuse myself to the restroom.

This damn headache that I had since yesterday was intensifying so I purposely brought the entire bottle of aspirin with me. Popping two in my mouth, I stare at my reflection. 'It's just nerves,' I tell myself. 'Akane's right, we're gonna win no problem like we always do. And after we win, I can watch Bokuto since their match is right after ours on the same court. No rushing this time.' Reassuring myself and shaking my head, I head back out.

I go to Nekoma's side of the bench where some of the players are taking drinks of water and Coach Nekomata observes the warmup quietly. Kuroo told me yesterday that this next opponent of ours is a real beast, having placed 4th overall in Japan last Nationals. There was a definite looming heaviness around the team as they were warming up their serves and hits. And I feel light-headed, oh no. Carefully I sit down on the bench, putting my elbows on my thighs and holding my head in my hands.

"You ok, PinkU-san?" I hear Kuroo say. I slowly lift my head and look up at him, forcing a smile.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Just, y'know, praying. We definitely have the favor of the gods on our side now haha! Seriously, I'm fine, focus on this game. You guys got this." I stand up and ball my hands into fists as a fighting gesture and he gives my shoulder a squeeze.

Coach Nekomata calls out for the players to gather when the whistle blows for the coin toss that will decide the beginning of our match. One more cheer and they line up on the court, their faces serious. I take a deep breath in and I feel like I won't be able to let it go until the match is over.

1-1 was the score at the halfway point. Our side of the stadium was cheering especially loud today, maybe thanks to Akane, and the boys really needed it. The game was neck to neck and neither team was letting up any mistakes. I've never seen anyone so focused and intense before. During timeouts and breaks, usually there's smiles from them but today there was nothing but concentration on their faces.

"Let's go Nekoma! Go, go, Nekoma!" the supporters cheer.

The whistle blows and the opponent serves the ball. Yaku receives it but just barely and it's off.

"Kenma!!" Tora calls.

Kenma takes a few quick strides to under the ball and sets it toward the spiker. It goes up and Tora slams it down. It looks so good but the other team's libero receives it up. The setter gets to it and sets to #1, their captain and ace, who spikes it impossibly hard. BAM! It hits the floor, and the opponent gets the point.

I feel like my heart is beating really, really fast due to my nervousness and I try to calm down. It's fine, it's fine. It's just one point of many, I say to myself.

"Don't mind! Get the next one!" Kuroo calls out.

The other team serves and again Yaku gets it. Kenma sets it to Kuroo , who spikes it against 3 blockers. It's like a wall and it gets blocked to our side. Fukunaga gets a hand on it but it goes flying way over to the side. To anyone watching, it was definitely going to fall and the point would be our opponents', but then Yaku sprints in a blur towards it and receives it! Tora gets the last touch, strategically hitting it onto the part of the other side of the court that no one was covering.

Nekoma's Manager (Bokuto x OC)Where stories live. Discover now