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There's a very, very small window after someone drowns in which it is possible to resuscitate them. Every second counts. It takes a combination of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth in order to expel the water and get them breathing again. Remembering these facts from my BLS training, I spring into action.

"Hinata, put her down!" I shout. "We need to do CPR on her NOW!"

Tears appearing at the corners of his eyes, Hinata gently lies Yachi on the ground. With how still and tiny she was, she could easily be mistaken for a doll.

At the corner of my eye, I see Kuroo crouching down beside me. "I'm BLS certified. How can I help?"

I'm so relieved to not have to do this alone. "I'm going to start chest compressions. Whenever I say 'go', do mouth-to-mouth on her. It'll be faster than me doing both."

"Got it. Someone call 911!"

Wasting no time, I start counting while pressing down on her chest.


Kuroo holds Yachi's nose closed and blows 3 times into her airway.

Press, press, press. Blow, blow, blow. We continue this for what was probably several minutes, but each second seemed to stretch longer and longer. I don't look up but I can hear whispering, a few sobbing noises, and scuffling as people around us seem to be holding their breaths.

"C'mon Yachi, c'mon! Breath! Breath for me!" I gasp in between compressions.

At that moment, blaring sirens sound in the distance and get closer and closer. Soon enough, EMTs are running towards the pool.

"Y/N, the ambulance is here," Kuroo tells me. When I don't stop CPR, he yells, "Y/N, HELP IS HERE! STOP!"

He physically pulls me off of Yachi just as the EMTs take over and transfer her onto a stretcher and into the ambulance to continue trying to resuscitate her. Shimizu and Karasuno's captain Daichi jump into the vehicle with them as they speed off, and suddenly it's silent.

It's too quiet, and I start violently shaking and I feel like I'm going to be sick. Scrambling out of Kuroo's grasp, I sprint to behind the gym and start yakking up everything I injested today. The stress was too much and my body was trying to physically reject it. I feel someone lift my black and pink hair as I continue to empty the contents of my stomach into a bush. Wiping my face with the back of my hand, I turn around to see who I expect. Kuroo hands me a water bottle which I gratefully take, muttering a thank you. I swish water in my gross mouth and spit it back out at the same poor bush.

My brain doesn't know how to process what I just went through, but I suddenly feel hysterical. I start laughing but it's strange and foreign to my ears. It's unnatural and sporadic, like my lungs are forcing it out of me. I look up at Kuroo, who has the most concerned face I've ever seen on him.

I snatch the front of his shirt and say wildly, "Wasn't that just... ecstatic? I've never done CPR on any person before. I only did it on dummies. Except she's not a doll. Yachi's not a f*king doll. She's real flesh and blood and bone.. bones..."

My emotions finally catch up to me and I break. The sobs start from deep within me and come out in loud, painful waves. I bury my face into Kuroo's chest as I cry, "I felt it. The crunching. I think I broke all her ribs. She's just so small and fragile..."

Kuroo holds me against him and strokes my hair. "Shhh.. that's completely normal. She'll be fine. You did all you could, Y/N. You did well."

His words only make me cry harder. I cry and cry and cry. I cry until I feel like my eyes can no longer produce tears and suddenly I feel so exhausted my legs don't hold my weight. As I begin to fall, Kuroo sweeps me up and carries me off to wherever. I'm too tired to care and for the second time this week, sleep consumes me.

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