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Resting my head against my arms on the railing of the rooftop, I continue to gaze into the distance of this suburb of Tokyo. I'm still listening to Bokuto's iPod as I let my mind go blank and all I feel is the cool night air and warm breeze on my skin. I take in a deep breath and -

"Hey, hey, hey.."

That's weird. I didn't know Bokuto could insert his voice into the songs, I think to myself. With the piano background, it almost sounds like a coo.. a really attractive, soothing coo..

"Y/N?" his voice says again. And this time I know it's not part of the soundtrack because I feel a hand on my back.

"AHHH holy SHIT!" I scream in English (of course). "Bokuto, you scared the living daylights out of me!"

He laughs a hearty, deep laugh. For a second, you feel your heart that a second ago was pumping with adrenaline suddenly come to a standstill. Damn, you could listen to that laugh for hours.

"Sorry about that. I didn't realize you had earphones in. I was wondering why you couldn't hear me," he replies, smiling.

"Ah yeah, just listening to YOUR iPod, which I had actually meant to give back to you earlier. I heard you the first time but I thought it was coming from the music or just your voice in my head.."
"Oh, do I live in your mind rent-free, hmm?" his smile grows mischievously.

"HA, don't flatter yourself honey," I say, covering my laugh with my hand.

"I don't need to, others do it for me." he replies. "And don't worry about the iPod. Keep it this whole week if you want to. Since I don't really get to have time I can't listen to it anyways. Well, besides now I guess.."

A pause. "Do you always stay up this late?" I ask to fill the silence.

"Not really. Just these days I've been feeling restless."

I guess it's just the training camp and Nationals coming up that's on his mind. I can only imagine that's all he thinks about.

"Hmm, I see. Well, since you do have some time on your hands right now do you want to listen with me?" I say, offering him one of the earphones.

Nodding, he takes it and inserts it in his ear. The "Sleep Music" playlist is still playing and we both lean on the railing listening to the melody peacefully.

"Wow, I've listened to this playlist so many times but it's never been so nice by just being outside at night," he says after the first song.

"Mhmm, it's the full somatosensory experience you gotta have," I say.

We stay like that for a while both just enjoying the others' company and not having to worry about anything for just this moment.

Bokuto yawns widely, outstretching his arms.

"Man.. I don't know how you run on no sleep but I'm finally feeling like I can go to bed. We gotta figure out how you can get some rest."

It's not terrible, I just am used to this state of being now. Constant sleep deprivation made me resilient to its effects.

"Mmm sure thing. If you can think of something, by all means let me know." I laugh. "Thank you, Bokuto."
I smile as he nudges you with his arm. "Yeah, definitely. Good night, Y/N," he says. "Oh, um.. also.." he trails off. You look at him confused, tilting your head. 

"I think you should call me Kotaro.. I mean I want you to," he says hurriedly with the hint of.. is that a blush?

Welp. That took you by surprise. You blink and say, "Yeah ok.. Kotaro." 

When I say his name, he brightens. "Hehe, ok good night for real."

I wave, and he walks back inside.

My heart suddenly does a little cartwheel in my chest and I stop. What? Could I be developing feelings for this boy? Nah.. it's the teenage hormones. I would be like this with any boy on the rooftop, I rationalize. It's fine, it's fine. No catching feelings. Not after my last relationship in the States. I vowed to never again trust a boy romantically from the ripe age of 16, two years ago.

I continue my mental escapade, listening to Bokuto's iPod, somehow not able to shake a growing uneasiness in me.

Nekoma's Manager (Bokuto x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang