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Song: Gold Rush by Tswift

BTW: Sequel (3rd book) is Come What May

5 years later

I sat at my dressing table in our bedroom, staring at my reflection in the ornate black mirror. I pushed my raven black hair to one side and placed my emerald green diamond earrings onto my ears. Draco had purchased the stones for our third wedding anniversary, but much to my surprise, he gave them to me on the same day that we ran off to Paris. The earrings were an identical match, sister almost, if we are being specific, to the ring.

"I have something for you" Draco breathed in my ear.

His warm breath against my neck as he wrapped one hand around my neck to angle my head up to meet his lips. He kissed me softly, a sly smirk on his face.

"Oh?" I smirked my usual grin as he kissed down my jaw.

He only hummed, his voice sending vibrations through my throat. I melted into his touch, my back leaning back against his torso.

"Close your eyes" he breathed.

And I obeyed, my eyelashes tickling my cheeks as I waited for his next instructions. He reached his free arm forward and placed something onto the counter. He placed his hands on my shoulder as his mouth leaned down to my ear again.

"Open" he whispered.

My eyes fluttered open as I stared at the red velvet box on the counter tied with a black silk ribbon. I furrowed my brows as Draco walked around the counter to the other side. He rested his elbows onto the cool marble countertop and smirked.

"Did I miss something?" I asked.

The holidays were close by, only a few weeks until Draco and I had to play parents of the year and haul in a tree. Spend the night with our children decorating it with ornaments and garland. We would drink eggnog by the fire as Leta accidentally gives Scorp pig ears with her spurts of random magic. Scorp would chase her around the living room while Draco uses his firm voice to stop and I would just smile at the beautiful scene before me.

"Just open" he smirked, jerking his head towards the velvet box.

I rolled my eyes, but I carefully grabbed the box and untied the silk ribbon. I flipped the golden clasp on the small box and opened it up. There sitting inside the box was a pair of emerald cut earrings that matched the very one sitting on his pinky finger. I let out a gasp as I looked up to meet Draco's grey eyes.

"How" I gasped.

"I had to search really fucking hard for them but did you know that those earrings used to belong to young witch that married into the Lestrange family?" he smirked walking around to meet me on the other side. "The set got lost many, many years ago and this beautiful pair ended up in Lestrange family vaults"

I frowned and looked down at the pair but Draco picked up my chin with his hand; his thumb lightly bushing over my bottom lip.

"Don't worry love" he chuckled, "I made sure that they weren't cursed before I gave them to you. Go on, put them on I want to see you in them."

I took the earrings out of the velvet box and placed one in my ear and then the next. The stones were significantly large, the value on them was priceless and it only made it better that the earrings matched our Horcrux ring.

Maybe Draco and I should create another one and put them into these earrings.

Draco tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear and then kissed my neck. His breath was warm against my flesh as he peppered me with a thousand kisses.

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