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Song: Wicked Games Parra for Cuva 

Draco Malfoy

I stilled outside of her door, pacing nervously like a pathetic little boy. I had never been this nervous before, not even on my wedding day to Astoria. I rolled back my shoulders and raised my fist to the door of her flat. I let out a deep breath and rasped my knuckles against the wooden surface.

Almost like she sensed my presence outside, Pansy flung open the door dramatically. Her and Potter stood there like two parents sizing up a teenage boy who was about to take their daughter on a date. Potter looked pissed, with a whiskey in hand as he glared at me, while Pansy was nearly bouncing off the walls. She yanked me in without so much as a hello and threw a crystal glass in my hand, pushing me onto the couch.

"Armena!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, turning back around to flash me a gleaming white smile.

I brought the glass to my lips and let out a long sigh. I had no idea how I dated Pansy Parkinson.

She was a nightmare.

Honestly if I think back on it, I don't know how we ended, it just kinda did with gaps and holes. For a while, I always thought there was someone there in stolen glances and in the shadows. It never made any sense, but I reasoned with myself that I was just traumatized from the war and being under the Dark Lord's command.

"You know" Pansy folded her arms over her chest, "you never sent me a dress when we dated."

I smirked up at her, raising my brows. She gave out a huff and narrowed her dark black eyes back at me. Truth was, I never gave Pansy anything when we dated. I don't think we even celebrated birthdays, she might have given me a gift on mine but that was it. I found our celebrations to be more sexual in nature: the quidditch pitch, a broom closet, an empty classroom, and common room even.

"It seems your wife is jealous," I mused to Potter.

"She's on fuckin' thin ice with me, Malfoy" he glowered at the raven haired witch. "She knows i'm not happy about this."

I furrowed my brow, about to ask him what he meant when Armena's bedroom door flew open. I felt my heart skip a beat, as I watched her in pure divine awe.

No, my heart didn't skip a beat— it stopped altogether.

I didn't know what witch craft she was using on me, but it was fucking working. She was the most magnificent creature that I had ever laid eyes on. She bit the corner of her lip, smoothing out the silky folds of the dress. Potter cleared his voice, reminding me that I should say something but I was tongue tied.

"Right—" I muttered, setting down my glass of whiskey on their coffee table. 

I stood up, my black trousers falling around my ankles. Her eyes flickered over my body, her cheeks flushing the same shade as the crimson painted on her lips. Pansy let out a squeal, while Potter let out a groan, rolling his dark green eyes into the back of his head. I ignored his silent remarks and just continued to stare at her.


I felt the need to sweep her off her feet and carry her right back into the bedroom. I was cardinal desire with her. I wanted to rip that blood red fabric off her body, trailing my tongue down her neck. I wanted to see if she tasted as good as she did in Paris. 

Her skin tasted like honey dripping off my tongue, her lips like cherries. I could only imagine that the rest of her tasted just as divine. I promised myself that I would be a perfect gentleman. That I wouldn't so much as lay a finger on her until we had a proper date or two, but part of me wanted to break that vow to myself. I wanted to dive right into her, wrap her body around mine and not let her leave the bedroom until I had ravished her completely.

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