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Song: Falling by Yuna 

Armena Riddle-Lestrange

Friday: October 17th, 2010

The sky was dark and hazy as we apparated to the Quidditch World Cup arena, which was set off the coast of England. Next year would be the Quidditch World Cup; the teams were officially in the trials to see who would win and ultimately compete in the cup. The game was the Falmouth Falcons versus Kenmare Kestrels— the English verse the Irish. Blaise had been working his arse off trying to organize this with the Quidditch World Federation. 

While today was a work day for him, it was a game day for us. 

Everyone around us had either their faces painted, some sort of enchanted souvenir hat, bells and whistles hanging off their bodies, or carried some sort of banner. Slimy wizards were walking around collecting bets, feening for our galleons. Sellers were passing out green and black flags, if you were for the Kestrels, and dark grey and white hats, if you were for the Falcons. I sported a green and white striped scarf, reminding me of the same one that used to hang in my closet from my time at Hogwarts. I paired the scarf with a simple back dress, stockings and my black knee high riding boots. Pansy was dressed in a bright emerald green dress with a matte, black leather jacket over top, looking very Pansy Parkinson. Potter— well, he was overly ecstatic to be here. He did not hold back; he was decked out like I have never seen him before. He was head to toe in green and black, a funny looking hat on his head which reminded me of a cartoon character. 

"Fuck yeah!" he rubbed his hands together as we climbed the stairs to our box.

The arena was loud and bright; balloons and fireworks were going off in every sort of direction. If you didn't watch out something might whip and zip right into your skull. The cheers sounded throughout the air, as the various witches and wizards fed off the energy. It was overwhelming but addicting at the same time. I couldn't help but let a smile creep up over my face as I took in the sights before me. 

"I take it you're happy, Potter?" I yelled over the noise as we settled in the room.

"You have no idea!" he smirked.

"Look," Pansy sheriked, bouncing on her toes, "There's Blaise and Ginny!"

We entered into the Ministry box, spotting Blaise and Ginny chatting with a fellow Ministry worker. Ginny spotted us and waved us over. Similar to Potter, she was dressed all out and sporting the Falcon logo on her left cheek. Blaise excused himself from his co-worker and gave us a wide, toothy grin. He stretched out his arms, wrapping Pansy and I into a tight hug as he greeted us. 

"Look who decided to show up" he smirked, squeezing me tightly. 

I swatted at his chest, wiggling out of his grasp. I wrapped my arm around Ginny's shoulder, leaning into her.

"Not all of us had to be here at four in the morning" Potter smirked, clasping Blaise on the back.

They shared a moment, clasping their hands together and moving into a half embrace. Ginny rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around my waist. 

"Oh right, I forgot" Blaise smirked, "you lot had the day off. Lucky bastards, aren't you?"

"Oh just so lucky" I winked at the dark skinned wizard.

Pansy walked over to Ginny and I, separating us from the boys' conversation which was revolving around the bet's that were being placed on the teams. The Ministry box was large and spacious. It was covered by a metal ceiling and the floor was a worn down, light colored wood. In the far back, housed a large black metal counter, which was filled with copious amounts concessions, candies, and alcohol. Various warming charms were cast in the space, in order to keep it comfortable for the witches and wizards in the box. It was clear that the winter weather was coming, the haze in the sky was a strong indicator of the changing seasons. 

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