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Armena Riddle-Lestrange 

The week went by and Pansy and I came up with absolutely nothing on how to successfully break an Unbreakable Vow. It was clear that we were stuck in this magically binding contract forever until one of us died, including Draco Malfoy himself.

Which death simply wasn't an option. 

I sat in front of Pansy's desk at the ministry tracing the white lines on my wrist. I had them memorized by now. The days and nights that I spent in Azkaban I would outline them with my finger, remembering why I was doing it in the first place— to protect Draco Malfoy

I found myself at many points throughout the two years, that I was locked in isolation, screaming at the white lines. I could curse them and the grown women that took advantage of two young, naïve girls. I was nineteen years old, I didn't know what I was getting into. Those fucking white lines on my wrist represented a Vow, a promise. I thought if I did this, then Pansy would be able to take care of Draco and make sure he had a better life than the one that would have happened if The Dark Lord killed me that day. It seemed to work for the most part, Draco got married and had a son. He has received forgiveness from all his old enemies, he has received mercy from the ones he hurt and even made a friend out of an old enemy. 

No, we made this vow for a reason. 

I had to remember that even if I wanted to say fuck it and risk everyone's lives for my own selfish desires. I dropped my plate on Pansy's desk, reaching forward to grab another book on breaking old magic. I prayed to Merlin that this one had the answers that I was looking for.

"I already read that cover to cover, it says nothing about breaking vows" Pansy sighed, shoving a fork full of food in her mouth.

"Have you tried the Debrishes Book on old magic?" Arya, Pansy's coworker asked.

"Read it cover to cover and nothing" I sighed, sinking back further in my chair. "I have a book on my desk that seemed promising but—"

Pansy let out a snicker which caused Arya to look between us, as if she missed out on some sort of joke. Arya raised her perfectly arched brow at Pansy, curious on what has been going on. Pansy waved her hand and swallowed her food before continuing on. 

"Armena is scared to step foot in her office. Why do you think she has been hanging around here this whole week? It's not because she enjoys our company" Pansy snickered, glancing towards me.

"I'm quite surprised you didn't hear, Arya. It's been around the Ministries gossip mill this entire week" I muttered, closing my eyes.

"Well I haven't heard anything and now I am quite intrigued."

"Armena is a little freak in the sheets according to Atticus" Pansy smirked.

I threw my head down onto Pansy's desk letting out a groan. The sheer idea that half of the Ministry was discussing my sex life was humilliting. This was worse than the time that Professor Snape used Legillmency on me and saw Draco and I— well, you know the story. 

Actually no, that was definitely the worst of all. The second would have to be my mother showing the Death Eaters and the third was definitely Atticus's large mouth. 

Why did it always have to involve my sex life?

"If any of you want to hex him, then please be my guest. The guy can't take a fucking hint and I'm starting to loose my wits" I mumbled into the desk.

"Oh darling, don't you worry. Arya and I have a few tricks up our sleeves. Maybe we can send him a howler everyday for a month. Each one can insult his ego."

As You Are // D.M.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon