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Song: We Hate Narcissa Malfoy by Armena idk let me know if you have a song for this chapter :) 

Armena Riddle-Lestrange 

Saturday: October 25th, 2010 

I tossed and turned all night. I tried to sleep but it was no use, I kept replaying his words in my mind. 

My mother has requested that you join us.

The words echoed in my head like a bad dream. Not a bad dream, no it was a sick and twisted nightmare.  It was wicked and it started to taunt me like the Dementors that used to guard my cell.

I rolled over to my other side, watching as the leaves from the tree outside danced on my ceiling under the dimly lit street lamp. I had begged Pansy and Blaise to help me out of this one for the past three nights. I mean, I groveled at their feet, practically licking the ground they walked on.

"Please" I cried, clasping my hands together in prayer position.

I darted my eyes between my two friends as they avoided my gaze, looking at the floor. Blaise downed his glass of whiskey, only to stand up and refill it to the brim with the amber liquid.

"You know I can't possibly go, Amrena'' Pansy sighed. "I mean if she sees the two of us in the room with him? Merlin, I don't want to know what would happen."

"Let me talk to him and see if I can snag an invite. I mean, I am his best mate he can't say no" Blaise scratched the back of his head.

"Oh!" I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands. "Please, oh I will do anything if you can come. I'm serious, I'll name my first born after you!"

Blaise let out a howl, throwing his head back to the ceiling. He clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth as he shook his head, his rich dark brown eyes studying me intently. It was like he was trying to figure out what I meant. 

"If you name your first born after me, well that would mean..." he looked at me and then at Pansy, his eyes almost popping out of his socket. "No..."

It seemed to click for him. The level of Draco and I's newly formed relationship. It wasn't like Blaise to be out of the loop like this, he almost always knew everything. It was like he had his ear to the ground at all times. I wasn't even sure if I told him about our date this past Saturday. 

"Oh yes!" Pansy shrieked. "Oh yes, indeed."

"Oh no..." Blaise's eyes went wider. "You two are fuckin' idiots. I'm telling you for being so smart you two are so moronic! Idiots both of you!"

"Hush now" Pansy waved her arm, ignoring his insults. "No harm, no fowl. Armena and I are both healthy as a horse. They aren't shagging— yet."

She put heavy emphasis on the word. Carefully drawing it out to let Blaise and I know that it would be happening very soon. I shivered thinking about what it would be like to be under him after eleven years of bad sex with worthless men. I deserved it, I deserved him or at least that's what I kept telling myself.  

"But— I will tell you this, they basically fucked on that counter over there..." she waved her hand in the direction where Draco had laid me out on the table for breakfast. "That was on Sunday and truthfully, I have never felt better."

I wanted to die from embarrassment. I let out a squeak as I looked at Pansy with wide green eyes. Now I felt like Blaise gawking at her, my jaw was to the floor. 

"What?" I gasped, gripping on the stem of my wine glass so tightly, I thought it might snap in two.

"Personally, I enjoyed the morning show" she shrugged, taking a sip from her wine. 

As You Are // D.M.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora