chapter twenty-seven.

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❞Batman's an overdramatic furry!❞✯

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❞Batman's an overdramatic furry!❞

THERE ARE SOME THINGS TO EXPLAIN, and I'm not entirely sure about my skills at explaining them. So anyway, I was drugged by Jason. He'd put this mild chemical that knocks people out once they ingest it or once it comes into contact with their skin on his gloves. The chemical diffuses through your skin into your bloodstream pretty rapidly and once it's in your blood it reaches your brain and puts it to sleep for some time. 

The time depends on your body's makeup. My body makeup made the substance's effect last for two days. By the time I'd woken up, an agreement had been reached between Bruce and Jason. 

The agreement had come after a long argument/fight. Jason kills criminals and lives at the Manor. That's the shortest version of the agreement. The longer version is too hard to explain right now so let's leave it at that. 

Jason Todd has been declared alive, he's back in the Manor. In my old room, the one I abandoned when I took over Jason's room. I offered to give him back his room but he declined, not as politely as you'd expect him to have but the dude came back to live with his memories wiped and restored through the filter of a man who hates all those who were in his memories. 

Ra's Al Ghul had heightened some of Jason's more negative memories when he'd been rebuilding Jason. We don't know the extent of the negative memories but Jason's standoffish about us all, Timmy the most, even though he didn't know him before his death and sure has not tried to get to know him now. 

It's our mission right now to help Jason fit back into the family. To work against all that Ra's taught him. 

I'm the second one up. Dick and Tim tried yesterday, they took him out to the library that Jason frequented before his death. They ended up watching Jason hover around the Shakespeare section and came back without having a half-assed conversation.

I hope I do better. 

I'm training with him. This is the best thing I could think of. I can't take him to some of our older hangouts, he might remember them differently. The Batcave has a majority of his happier memories, that is the running speculation, so we're here. 

"Wanna do a bet?"

Jason raises an eyebrow at me. He shows a smaller range of expressions now, earlier he would've at least smirked at me, "What about?"

"A bet on who can smack the other's ass more times during the fight."

He would've cracked a smile at that, but he doesn't now, "No thanks."

I'm a little disheartened, "Alright then how about a bet on who wins the first round?"

He's thinking it over, then he shakes his head, "No thanks."

"A - alright." I clear my throat. I remind myself, again and again, Jason's not used to this at all. Jason's not used to me, "Then let's start sparring."

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