chapter six.

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❞bluebird <3❞

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❞bluebird <3❞


"ALRIGHT, GIVE ME your phone." 

Dick held his hand out in front of Alex, who raised her eyebrow at him in confusion, "But why? I didn't do anything wrong, so why is my phone getting confiscated?"

Dick blinked, then he groaned, rubbing his face, "Your phone is not getting confiscated, I'm saving my number in your phone."

"Well, if you wanted to take me out on a date you just had to ask," Alex grumbled, ruffling through her pockets in search of her phone, "Didn't have to be all manly and be like, hey give me your phone!"

"I'm not trying to ask you out on a date!" Dick exclaimed, glaring at her, "I have standards."

Alex gasped, placing her hand on her chest, "How dare you!"

Jason rolled his eyes from his place on the sofa in the manor's living room. Dick pinched the bridge of his nose, "You and Wally really need to stop hanging out."

"You know, you and Wally are the only ones who can make Dick 'why isn't anyone just whelmed?' Grayson annoyed." Jason commented, putting a piece of popcorn in his mouth, "It's a trophy-worthy achievement, you should ask Bruce to present you with that trophy."

Dick glared at Jason, "You also get on my nerves, Jay."

"That is a lie!" Jason scoffed, "You get on my nerves more often! With your karate kid, grease and high-school musical references, and the entire holy insert-word-that-corresponds-to-situation shit!"

"You make references to high-school musical?" Alex scrunched up her nose, "Dude what about The greatest show —"

"NO!" Jason cut her off, throwing popcorn kernels at her over the sofa, "We're not letting Dick watch the greatest showman, I don't need him pirouetting through the air wanting to find some trapezist like Zendaya to fall in love with!"

Dick rolled his eyes, "I won't! You've been going on stopping me from watching that movie for 2 years!"

"With good reason, you dumb fuck!"


Jason glared at Alex, throwing even more popcorn at her head, "You're saying that?!"

"ALRIGHT, alright!" Dick put his hands up, "No more fighting, Alex just give me your phone and stop flirting with me, and Jason, go back to watching Mamma Mia."

"For the hundredth time, I'm not watching MAMMA MIA!" Jason gritted his teeth, glaring at Dick, tempted to throw popcorn at Dick, "I told you, I don't want to watch Mamma Mia —"

Dick pouted, "But it's such a nice movie~"

Jason glared, "I'm no longer involved with the two of you, continue with your fucking stupidity elsewhere."

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