chapter twenty-four.

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THE STREET we drop into is all bloodied up. There's no sign of anyone alive, Samantha flinches. She must've seen stuff like this in the other universe, if she hasn't then color me surprised. This is just another Tuesday for me, Gotham ruins the innocence of superheroes within the first night out. 

The bright green of the hellfire outfit is catching my eyes, so I focus my eyes on the dark red splattered on the floor and walls, matching the color of my uniform. 

"Do - do you recognize a style here? Like - like a killing style?" Samantha is following me, her hands are folded to her chest, and she seems defensive, "Or a signature left behind?"

I shake my head, "There are only 5 people in Gotham who like leaving behind such pretty murder scenes, 3 are dead and 2 are in Arkham, so it can't be them."

"What if those two people hired someone to do this?"

"Well, those two people have their own signatures," I sigh, kneeling down to identify one of the dead bodies, "Those signatures are not here."

"Are there any notable similarities between the people here?"

I poke the face of the dead person in front of me, and the face is red with sticky blood, "A shot through the forehead, seems like Headshot but he's in a high-security prison... plus, he left this job long ago."

Samantha is nearby another dead body, I glance at her, "You see anything?"

She shakes her head, "No."

I get up, wiping some of the blood on my knees. This beautiful scene is nothing more than a scene. It's a new player making themselves known, we'll probably be seeing a few more deaths of the same kind. 

"Alex," I glance at Samantha, she points at the wall she's standing in front of. There's muck on the wall and a lot of graffiti, but that does not stand out to me. Instead, it's the words written in red, "The Red-Hood was here."


I'm in Dick's room, it's different from my room (well, Jason's room that turned into mine). There's a poster of the Flying Graysons over the fireplace, there's a lot more stuff scattered around. His books, his laptop, his clothes, and numerous novels. Some I recognize, Jason used to recommend them to us. 

I'm on his bed, Dick is not here. He's not here, still stuck at the gala I presume. I came here to find some comfort from the idiot, but the idiot is not even here. Figures. 

It's been about 30 minutes since me and Samantha returned from our reconnaissance mission. The others are still at the gala we left from, Samantha is at Stark Mansion, and I am at the Manor. I searched up our little punk, Red-hood. His name showed up quite a few times. He's the League of Shadows' new weapon. 

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