chapter seven.

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❞My baby bird

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❞My baby bird.❞


HIGHSCHOOL WAS EVERYONE'S LOVE-HATE relationship's main character. You could hate high school and love it all the same. And that applied to her as well, she was completely clear about it. school jocks. 

And guess what she was doing right at this moment? Socializing with the school jocks, trying to stop herself from socking them in the face. 

"You know, the prom is coming up pretty soon."

Right, she'd dropped into this new universe in the middle of the school year. She scratched her cheek, "You don't say, Adam."

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come with me."

She wanted him to get away from her as soon as possible, "Where?"

"To the prom." He deadpanned, and she sighed, this guy must really want to go with me , "Alex, you're really pretty and I really like you!"

She didn't want to go with Adam Gray to the prom. He was a good guy, just a bit of a knucklehead who preferred to use his fists instead of his brain. He made it work though, he was easily one of the best-liked guys in Gotham Highschool.

But the thing was, she didn't want to be stuck with Adam during prom, because no matter how much girls fawned over him he didn't know how to hold an interesting conversation without working in some sport. 

"I... see, Adam..." She pushed a hand through her hair, "I'm... I'm sure you're a really good guy and everything, but I don't think I'm gonna go to the prom with you."

Adam paused, and then he deflated, "Oh."

Adam was really one of the better jocks, he never bullied anyone and was actually friends with most of the student body. So she leaned forward, putting her hands on his shoulders, "See, Adam... you'll be bored out of your mind going to the prom with me, so I suggest you ask someone a bit more fun."


"What about Steve?"

Adam paused, then he smiled, "Oh yeah! I could ask Steve to go with me, better to show up with a friend than go stag!"

She was disappointed, she knew for a fact that Steve (the guy in question) had a crush on Adam and she knew for a fact that Adam probably spent too much time gazing at Steve's ass when Steve didn't know. 


Adam grinned at her, "Thanks, Alex!"


"It's so tiring trying to make closeted gays come out," She muttered, leaning deeper into her chair. She was in the lunch hall, sitting with Jason and Dick. They had the same lunch hour and despite Alex's magnetic personality, it seemed that In this universe she hadn't bothered to make friends in school, "Adam is so head-over-heels for Steve."

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