chapter seventeen.

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❞You were resurrected in my Lazarus pit, so you owe me a favor

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❞You were resurrected in my Lazarus pit, so you owe me a favor.❞


THEY HAD MOVED IN THE middle of the night. They were literal shadows, the cover of the night made sure that their plan would go off without a hitch. They made their way behind the wrought iron gates. Ones that displayed the name, 'Gotham Cemetery'. They traveled in the paths. Passing by a few graves. They finally stopped in front of a familiar grave.

One that was made of black marble. They bought out some tools. Digging into the dry soil that covered the coffin that held their target. They heaved and bought the black and brown mixed coffin out of its hole. They opened the coffin, bringing out a body. Raven hair and teal eyes were hidden behind eyelids that were never going to open. 

That was at least what the others thought. 

A ruined body clothed in a clean suit. The bomb blast that the target had gone through prior to his death had surprisingly not shattered his body into unrecognizable pieces. They put a plastic model into the coffin. The same weight. The same build. They weren't going to know the difference.

The coffin went back to the ground. The broken ground went over it. They replanted the ripped-out grass. And no one knew better. Just the body wasn't in the coffin. They traveled fast. No one knows how they did. But, soon the body and the group were back in the mountains. Snow falling around them. The air was sharp and cold against their skin. Only one didn't mind it. That was the one that was cold for all eternity.

They entered the house. They went to the pit. And the raven hair disappeared into the depths. A man stood. With a weathered look on his face. He smiled at the pit and said, "Now, the pit decides if the phoenix will rise."

He watched and waited for the boy to rise. And he did. A reeling gasp rang out from the water. And soon he was jumping out of the water. Choking on the water, "Wha — what the fuck?"

"Oh, dear." The man, Ra's Al Ghul, murmured, "It seems we're a little later in getting to him — we'll need to rebuild him more than first expected."

"But it means that we'll get a better soldier."

He nodded at the feminine voice that spoke, "Correct. Get him out of the pit and bring him here."

The soldiers complied, and they walked towards the male, hauling him out of the water. The boy spluttered, "Who the fuck are you?"

The man smiled, "Do you know who you are?"

The boy stopped short, he was dropped in front of the man that had spoken. Ra's Al Ghul raised the boy's head, "You were resurrected in my pit Mr. Todd so you owe me a favor."


The first thing to do is to bring back the poor boy's memories. Jason Todd is a shell of himself, his skin is healing slowly, and the burn wounds have disappeared already. He has been eating too many medicines to count, and he has been seeing this doctor who gives him a flower to eat each time they meet. It has been 3 weeks since he was resurrected, and today is the 10th session with the doctor with the flower. 

𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 ► 𝘋𝘊 𝘹 𝘔𝘊𝘜Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora