Chapter 10 : Lost

Começar do início

But as i opened my wallet, realization finally dawned upon me, that i am no longer a 27 year old man with a stable income, that i am........

"Shit.....I am broke...." I looked at my wallet and see that I only have 30 rupiahs with me

"I knew it" the nurse answered with a sigh as she took a piece of paper from her pocket and started to write down something

"Here, you can buy the medicine in this pharmacy in downtown Jayakarta, it is much cheaper if you buy it there" said the nurse as she handed the piece of paper over to me

"Thank you" I sincerely replied

"And for the bills, you should consider paying it out soon"

"I will pay it out soon"

"See you Ms. Nina" I said as I decided to leave the hospital ward and went back home first.

"What a weird kid...." Nina said to herself

(On the way back)

It would seem the rainstorm had finally settled, as I could see a rainbow, and a streak of sunlight started to permeate the horizon, I decided to turn my motorbike on and quickly ride back home.

So I managed to save mom this time around, but I remembered that last time when I was trying to use (2) The leap, it actually throws me into another parallel universe, but I can't seem to remember much of it....

I remembered I met a white figure, and he said that he would bless me with some kind of power, but there would be a price I would need to pay in order to use that power. I'm pretty sure the so-called power that he said he would give me is this time leap ability.

"But...." why can't I remember the so-called price I would need to sacrifice in order to use that power.

Every time I try to remember the words he tried to whisper out to me, my memories would go hazy for some reason.....

"Well, at least now I have a chance to save the people near me..." I said to myself

Before I knew it I finally arrived at the small alley in front of my house, as I park my motorcycle, a familiar voice called out to me....

"Ronald dear....why are you soaking wet? Are you okay?, Quickly change your clothes, so you don't get sick dear...."

"It's Sakti grannie, and I am fine, thank you for your concern..." I replied to grannie

"Ohh it's little Sakti, look at how you have grown.... You reminded me a lot of you want to eat dinner together at my place?"

"I'm sorry grannie, I need to get ready for work soon..."

"Ohh okay, do take care of yourself, dear..."

"Thank you" I replied as I opened the door to my house.

"500 rupiahs...." is the amount of money that I would need if I want to buy the medicine for my mom.

As I step into my room I was greeted by yet another familiar sight, there was a pool of water underneath my feet, I looked up to see a large leak in the roof.

I decide to ignore it and walk straight to my wardrobe and as I scrummage the inside of my wardrobe I finally found an envelope.

"This is all the money I have....."

I decided to count the money I have saved up inside the envelope.

Combined with the money I have in my wallet, I should have 510 Rupiah, which should be enough to buy the medicine.

Colors of Fate (EDITED/ON-HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora