Chapter 5 : Monochrome Road

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(At the Classroom)

Without even realizing it the school period finally ended and we are allowed to go home, i went home together with David, since Bayu still got some student council stuff that he would need to attend to

"You guys can go home first, i still have a student council meeting after this"

"Hmm... is that true......" David answered with a suspicious look

"What's with that face? Nevermind I am sure you are up to no good again." Bayu nonchalantly said

"I hope it's not an excuse to get near that hot-looking vice president of yours, what's her name again jay?"

"It's Paula" I answered

"Yeah...Yeah... Paula."

"Well I'm not as perverted as you, I need to discuss some stuff regarding our graduation."

as we were busy talking, I noticed something peculiar, I saw the figure of the guy that was bullied by Irfan, he was standing still right in front of the teacher's office.

as he stood there in a haze, the thoughts finally hit me, that because I changed the past by avoiding the accident by the cafeteria, I also changed the future, as time seems to be intertwined, because we didn't come in and confront Irfan, this guy had his money stolen from him.

"Perhaps this is what they call as the domino effect?" i said to myself as i rummaged the inside of my wallet

"Huh? what are you implying bro?, hey jay we better get back first, I need to go home and explain to my parents about what happened to my phone." Said David with a tired and sad look.

"wait... Bayu do you have 300 (1)Rupiah on you?" 

"Yeah i have them, but what do you need them for?" Bayu asked.

"Can i borrow it? i will give it back once i get my wage." 

"Yeah sure, no worries just give it back whenever you have the money"

"Thanks, man" I answered Bayu

"Hey... what the hell man, you said you don't have money when I was trying to borrow some cash yesterday" 

"Well... if it's Jay I knew for sure that he would definitely pay me back, but for you, I am just not sure man." Bayu answered with a nonchalant look on his face

"Fuck you man" David answered as he followed me over to the teacher's office

"Well see you, I guess," said Bayu

(In Front of the School Office)

I decided to approach the guy and gave him the money that he needed to pay for the tuition

"Hey bro here is 300 Rupiah, you can use it to pay for your tuition money" I said to him as I gave him the money 

"what? but how did you..." the guy asked me in a disgruntled look

"I saw that your money was taken from you back in recess, i just wanted to help"

"Thank you, Thank you so much," the guy said as he bowed down and said thank you multiple times to me

"Hey, I'm not just giving away my money to you, you know. I am not a rich philanthropist here."

"Thank you, I will surely repay you back."

Colors of Fate (EDITED/ON-HOLD)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя