Chapter 8 : Make Your Choice

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Author's advice : Read the chapter while listening to the song above, for a better reading experience :3


That was the last word I remembered uttering before I finally fainted, I decided to take a bet to save my mom.

I remembered that every time (1) the leap activated was when I fainted, if my bet is correct I should be leap back in time by now......but......

as i started to gauge what is really happening, Lots of questions started popping up inside my head.

Where am i?.......What is this place?....... Did the leap failed?...... Did I really die this time?..........

Everywhere my eyes could see is white, it's a complete world of white........

In this world of transparent white, the only thing that's different is myself....

My entire body is monochrome......

(Monochrome World)

"No..... I need to get back....I need to save mom......" I said to myself as I started running in one direction.......there must be an exit....... A way to get out of here....

I ran.........ran......... and kept running but I couldn't seem to find anything......

This monochrome world seems to stretch endlessly, but I did not give up.

I decided to change direction again.......and start running yet again......

But i still couldn't find anything......

But how strange..... No matter how long I kept running in this world, I never felt tired at all.....

It's like this world is not even real.....

"There's only one way to find out" I said to myself as I lowered my body down and tried to hit my forehead to the ground again......

Maybe if i faint again I could come out of this world............

but .... I was wrong, no matter how many times I hit my head, I never felt any pain.....

But I chose to keep trying.................i need to get back to my family.............. To the people that I cared about...............

I don't even remember how much time has passed, and how many times I have tried........

But suddenly, I heard a crude voice calling out to me, with a tone that seems to be mocking me....

"YoU JuSt DoN't KnOw HoW tO QuIT, DoN't YoU? HahAhA"

I was shocked to hear that voice, but as I decided to look around, i couldn't find the source of this crude voice....

"WEll oNcE iN a WhiLe ThERe aRe PeOpLe LiKe YoU, aN AnOmAly haHAhA"

"Who are you? Why can't I see you? Where am I?....." I asked the strange voice

"I KnOw YoU HaVe A LoT OF QuEstiONs YoU WoUld LiKe tO AsK...."

"LeT's AnSweR iT oNe By OnE...."

"BuT FiRst I WiLl MaKe MySelF MoRe DiStiNguIshAbLe HahAHa."

"What the......" I was surprised by what I saw.

A white figure was forming up right in front of my eyes........ The white figure gripped my legs as it started to copy a figure just like that of my own body......The only difference was that the figure is still in the color of white....

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