Chapter 11: Rescue

Start from the beginning

Jake speaks through the radio.

Jake: We'll watch your backs! Go get em!

The driver drives the truck through a battlefield of Condemned, before finally approaching Sarah and Cassandra's position.

Shawn: Kyle! I see the girls! Behind the transport!

Kyle: Look out! Mine!

The driver hits a Condemned mine as it explodes, killing the driver and causing the truck to turn over, knocking Kyle and Shawn out of the back of the truck.

Sarah: Kyle, are you alright?! Kyle!

Cassandra: Come on! Get up, damn it!

Kyle and Shawn recover while Murray is lying on the ground, only to be stomped on the back by a Condemned Drone, who brutally rips off Murray's left arm and beats him to death with his own severed arm.

Sarah: Murray!

With only Kyle, Shawn, Sarah and Cassandra remaining, the four retreat with Condemned attacking. En-route back to the fort, Krens stalks emerge from the ground and disperse Krens Drones.

Kyle: This night just gets better and better.

Jake: Damn it! Now, we got raddies joining the party!

Kyle: Let's just get everyone inside!

The Krens engage and kill the remaining Condemned drones.

Shawn: Hey! You stole my kills, you mutated motherfucker!

Kyle: C'mon! Fall back to the fort! Move!

Cassandra: Kyle, where's Jake and James?!

Kyle: They're at the fort! 

Kyle talks into his radio.

Kyle: James, we're being overran with Krens! Bring the Gods' Fist online now!

In the command center, James is attempting to fix the Gods' Fist weapon accuracy.

James: Yeah, fine, but I don't have full control and accuracy still a little off so might want to get your asses in here pronto! Is Cassandra okay?!

Kyle: She's fine! Just fire it up as soon as you can!

Kyle, Shawn, Sarah and Cassandra fight their way to the front of the fort while Jake and Jordan continue giving cover fire. Meanwhile, two other A.O.W Soldiers enter the battle.

A.O.W Soldier: Hey! Desipich! Over here! C'mon!

Suddenly, a giant Krens stalk bursts out of the ground next to the A.O.W Soldiers.

Shawn: Uh....Kyle, that's not good.

A Krens Living Monolith bursts out of the stalk, roaring.

Jake: Oh, my god.

Kyle: that's definitely not good....

The Infected Living Monolith takes down the two A.O.W Soldiers, before tossing a car that stops in front of Kyle.

Kyle: Watch it!

The Krens Living Monolith produces large tentacles from its back, before jumps into the air and smashing down into the car as Kyle dodges.

Kyle: Holy shit!

Sarah: It's a goddamn infected Living Monolith!

Kyle: Run!

Shawn: Goddamn, you're the ugliest bitch I ever laid eyes on!

Kyle, Shawn, Sarah and Cassandra open fire onto the Krens Living Monolith while retreating to the fort.

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