Chapter 28

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Regina pulled her coat over her shoulders, trying to hide her sadness. Things had been so frantic recently, and she hadn't had much time to mourn Robin. As far as Nila was concerned, he was just unconscious. But the queen knew the hard truth.

"Regina, how can you be sure he's gone? Don't you remember that time you accidentally poisoned your son?"
"I'd rather not talk about that." She replied, turning away to face her vanity. The person she saw was damaged beyond repair, she was truly broken.
"But, the people at the hospital were certain there was no way to save him. Just as they are with Robin. Please, there must be a way." Nila begged, taking her mother's hand. Usually, the queen would have moved her own hand away, or shaken it off altogether, but not today. Not when her daughter was here, heartbroken with her.

Regina saw the girl's eyes in the mirror. Looking at them now, she realised just how much like Daniel her daughter really was. She was beautiful.
"What are you implying?"
"What about a sleeping curse? It's possible, you know. He could just be sleeping."

But it couldn't be true. She'd kissed him many times since his untimely fall, and none of them had woken him. Unless Robin didn't love her, unless it wasn't true love. The queen shook her head, "It's not. True love's kiss should've worked."
"Well, then we have a problem." Charming replied. "I say we suit up and storm her castle."

Regina scoffed, "Are you out of your mind? You go in there without a plan and you're going to get yourself killed. No. I'll go and get Snow, it's my fault she's here. Zelena wants to destroy me, why don't I let her do just that? Then she'll leave you be. Then you'll be safe."
The prince almost considered it for a second before coming to his senses. "How sure are you that you can beat this monster?"

In some ways, her wicked sister reminded the queen of her younger self. Alone, no one to love her, seeking revenge on people that wronged her. Although this time, Regina hadn't exactly hurt her. It was Cora. She was paying the price for her mother's mistakes.

"She's not a monster. She's my sister." The queen replied.
"Hang on," said David, "So you're defending her now?" Could he not understand? Maybe there was more to this witch than what meets the eye. "No. I just think, maybe... I got a second chance, you helped me to change." She looked at her daughter, "You let me into your life, you helped me become a better person." Nila nodded. "So maybe, we give her a second chance. Or at least the option."

The prince nodded, it seemed Regina really had changed. Love had changed her, just as himself and Snow had always suspected. It was strange, standing in the same place she tried to kill them only a few decades ago, although it almost felt like a dream, it was so long ago. But now, she was one of them. She was a hero.

"So... what's the plan?" David whispered. They had appeared outside the witch's castle. Nila had got pretty good at apparition and so she'd decided it was time to put her skills to some use. That, and the fact that Zelena wouldn't be able to detect her light magic.

"Okay." Regina hissed, "So, I think it's best if I distract her while we rescue Snow. After all, we're sisters; we'll find something to talk about. And while that's happening, David, you need to get your wife the hell out of there."
"And what about me?" Regina hadn't yet told her daughter that she didn't want her coming in. She was too precious. And although to Nila it would seem selfish, and there was a chance she'd never truly understand, her daughter was all she had. And she was not losing anyone else.

"You're the lookout."
"Lookout, seriously?!"
Regina quickly came up with an excuse, "The monkeys." She reasoned, "The monkeys' weakness is light magic. Use that to your advantage. The last thing we'd want is for the charmings to be ripped apart by those creatures." The queen watched as Nila scowled. "It's an important job, and I just can't risk your safety. She's my sister, so she's my responsibility."

And with that, Regina disappeared in a puff of purple smoke, and Charming ran towards the tower his true love was being held captive in. Nila was all alone. Brilliant. She knew her mother had lied to her. She hated the fact that she couldn't tell even her own daughter the truth, that she didn't want to lose her. If the girl was being honest, she felt pretty undervalued standing outside the palace. It wasn't fair; this was her destiny, wasn't it? It was her job to defeat Zelena.

Now inside the castle, Regina found herself in front of two double doors. They were made entirely of Gold. Gold, of course. Rumple had always been a fan of the extravagant things in life. Her mind turned to the real reason she was here... Zelena.
She couldn't help but feel nervous to face her sister. She quickly pushed away the thought, not wanting to go into battle feeling weak.

The queen nodded, as if giving herself a quick pep-talk, before pushing open the doors. The first thing she saw was Zelena, sitting on her old teacher's throne. "Hello sis." Regina strode into the room. She was wearing a dress that looked strangely familiar... in fact...
"Didn't anyone tell you? Black is my colour. And where the hell did you get that dress? It's not yours."
Zelena rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Story of my life."

"Did you steal that from me? When were you in my home?" Regina was pissed to say the least. "I thought that you would've known if someone may have, say, snuck into your palace." How dare she break into her castle and steal from her?
"I thought I smelt the scent of jealousy in my closet." The queen retorted, running her fingers along the wooden table. "Must've spent a while cleaning the green off, then?"

Zelena's face filled with rage. "You don't even know what you're talking about."
Regina laughed coldly, "Yes, I do. You're jealous. Jealous that I got everything, and you got nothing. Everyone chose me, Rumple and our mother."
Her sister stood up, a fireball forming in her hands. She glared at Regina, "You got everything I wanted and you didn't even deserve it. But I'm going to take it all from you." Regina found herself wound up, but it was the last three words that cost the queen her sanity. "Just. Like. Robin."

And with that, she used her magic to force Regina into the wall, a chandelier falling from the ceiling, smashing on her head. "You can't beat me, little sis. Everything Rumplestiltskin taught you, he taught me too. But I was the better student." She lifted her sister up and choked her, using her powers to keep her suspended above the ground.

Then, with a simple flick of her wrist, she sent the queen flying through the air, until she crashed through a glass window. There were shards of glass falling from impact, and they were blown all around the castle grounds, forming a powerful protection spell. Now, no one else could leave or enter the castle.

Snow looked out of the window, seeing the protection spell form. Something was going down, that much was certain. "Snow?" She heard. It was David! He'd somehow managed to get past the guards and rescue her, probably some part of Regina's master plan.
"You found me!" Snow cried, running towards the front of her cell. Her husband had the keys in his hand, and rushed to unlock the prison door. "Did you ever doubt I would?" He asked, laughing. "Honestly, being locked in the Wicked Witch's prison cell gave me pause." Snow put her arms around Charming's waist, before kissing him passionately.

They were together again. The way they should be. And for just a moment, all was well.

* Author's note - I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll try and get 29 out tonight too!! Leave a vote and comment below x ❤️ Sarah xxx

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