Chapter 23

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(A week after Tink and the queen first met.)

Regina sat at her desk, writing a letter to her husband. She was supposed to write to him every day he was on his trip, but she found it gruelling work. It was always the same things to write about every day. There was nothing much exciting going on in her life... except maybe for her newfound friendship with the fairy.

Just as her name came to mind, the queen heard tinkling behind her. "Wanna fly?" She heard the voice say. It was indeed Tinkerbell. She was holding a large sack of green pixie dust in her left hand. "You've got some?"

"Let's get started. Helping you find your happiness. Saving you... That's what's going to save me!" The queen threw her arms around the fairy and they flew out of the window together, admiring the view of the kingdom from their great height.

After a minute or so, Regina noticed a green trail on the ground leading into a tavern. "What's that?"
Tinkerbell smiled, "That's your happy ending, he's down there."

They stopped outside the bar. "Inside here, lies the beginning of your happiness. All the pain in your past will be just that. The past."
The queen sighed, "I just need a moment." She was nervous? The queen was nervous?

Tinkerbell peered through the dusty windows. The green trail ended at a man facing away from them. "There he is." She pointed at him. At that exact moment, the man raised his right arm so the waitress could refill his cup. The fairy noticed his tattoo. "The guy with the lion tattoo."
Regina nodded, clearly nervous. "Okay. Okay, I can do this. I can be happy."
"I know you can. I have faith in you. Go." She smiled supportively, returning to her original size.

The queen hesitated for a second before opening the door, her eyes following her supposed soulmate. The man with the lion tattoo was chatting with some friends, sharing a drink. Regina watched as the man stood up to shake someone's hand. Then, with overwhelming fear, she rushed out the door and fled.

It had been two days since she'd heard from her friend, and was honestly starting to get worried. That is, until the fairy appeared in her room twenty minutes later. "How did it go?" She asked, excited to hear what had happened. The queen shrugged.

"It was... alright."
"What happened? I don't understand! You're not glowing with new love!" Regina honestly couldn't face telling her the truth. That she hadn't been brave enough to go in and meet her soulmate.

"Because it didn't work. The pixie dust was wrong. I went in to meet him and he was awful. Just, awful!"
"Are you sure you went to the right man?"
"Yes! The one with the lion tattoo." Tinkerbell had never been more shocked. How could the pixie dust have failed her? There was no way she could've gone in!
"You didn't go in, did you? It's okay, you were afraid." The fairy put her arm around Regina.
"How dare you?" She snapped, "I'm not afraid of anything! And I can't believe I let you distract me!"

"No! Don't do it, revenge is not worth it. What you need is love!" Tinkerbell cried. The queen shook her head, trying to keep back her tears. "I had love and he's dead. I had my daughter, a chance at a family! I had everything. And lost everything too. But I suffered. Who you sent me to wasn't going to change that. Goodbye." Regina gestured towards the window with her hand. The fairy nodded. "What about me? I thought we were friends!" Blue had told her there was no helping this woman, she had been right.

Friends? Hardly. Why couldn't the stupid fairy understand that she didn't need love, only her revenge. And she most certainly didn't need a friend. "I don't have friends." It was the first bit of truth Regina had spoken all afternoon. Tinkerbell realised why she had helped the queen, because she pitied her. She thought she could be a friend, to help her through the hard times. Before she could say anything, the queen retorted. "Fly away, moth. Don't let the door catch your wings on the way out." Regina watched with an evil grin as the fairy flew away in defeat.

She wanted to believe she'd done the right thing, that she didn't need love, only her revenge. But part of her wished that, one day, Tinkerbell would fly back in through her window and help her find real happiness. Unfortunately for the queen, that day never came.

* Author's Note - As always, hope you enjoyed ❤️ Sarah xx

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