Chapter 19

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Snow paced around the great hall, her hand frantically tapping her thigh. "You're sure you locked the book away? There's no way anyone could steal it?"

The queen rolled her eyes, Snow was insufferable most of the time but this was taking the cake. How dare she question her magic?
"As I told you, the cabinet was sealed with blood magic. The only one who could've taken it was my sister. And I didn't notice any green footprints on my carpet."

Blood magic. 'Nila', the princess thought. She sighed before sitting down in defeat. It wasn't as simple as taking it back. No. Especially after the news yesterday, the girl would no doubt be very fragile. Snow hadn't yet had a chance to bond with Regina's daughter, and today seemed like a good time to do so.

She cautiously knocked on the door. Nila sat up on the bed, that wasn't the queen's knock? No, this one was more... polite. The girl watched as the door handle turned slowly, creaking as it moved. It was Snow. "Oh." Nila let out a sigh of relief, she didn't know if she could handle seeing Regina after the events yesterday had to offer.

"I was expecting-"
"Your mother, I know." Snow came and sat on her bed. "Well, I'm certainly not the queen but maybe I can still help with whatever is worrying you." She spoke with a soft voice which she wouldn't deny was quite comforting.

"I'm not sure you can." Nila whispered. "The book of records. I have it."

She held out her hand. Snow watched in amazement as the girl used her magic to reveal the book. It appeared on the princess' lap, and she stared in awe for a few seconds before Nila picked it up. She flicked to page 23, and found the paragraph she was looking for. Snow didn't really know what to expect. Regina had given her a filtered view on the prophecy, when what she really wanted was to see the words on the page.

'A child, the product of the truest love will be born into darkness. They will meet their end in a battle unlike any other. She must keep the curse intact, otherwise the life she has known will change forever. To defeat the powerful sorceress, the girl will need to dig deep inside of her - drawing love and hope from her family. Her only chance of survival is to break the curse.'

The girl sighed, "Either I die, or she dies."
"And I suppose you're not going to let that happen?" Nila looked at her in astonishment. Was Snow White suggesting she sacrifice her own mother? Of course, she couldn't be sure. It could be the princess' way of leading up to a hope speech.

"Hang on," she paused, "Why are you so sure your mother would die? I'm certain Zelena wouldn't beat her that easily. I've seen what life has thrown against Regina, and she still fights against the darkness everyday!"

Nila looked uncomfortable. Did Snow really not understand? "If I break the curse, I've avoided fate. Cheated the system." The girl explained, shifting her gaze to the floor. "All magic comes with a price. And I will have saved a life without paying up."

"What happens then?" On rare occasions like these, Nila would understand why her mother spent so long trying to kill the beloved princess. She really could be insufferable sometimes. "It's simple. A life for a life."

Snow put her arm around the girl's shoulder. She didn't really like to be touched by anyone other than her immediate family, but she concluded that the princess needed it more than she did. Nila yawned. It was only Eleven AM and she was already exhausted. Both mentally and physically drained. Feeling too lazy to put it back herself, Nila used her newfound magic to hide the book under her mattress. Usually, she'd complain about the awkwardness of sleeping on top of a leather brick, but this bed was so big she could've fit twelve of these books there and still managed a good night's sleep.

Snow raised her eyebrow before making a comment, "Regina said she'd be willing to give you another lesson today if you'd like."
Nila scoffed, "I might agree if there was any chance changing my hair would help me to defeat the wicked witch."

"Well. Her offer stands. Why don't you ask her to train you in witch fights? I'd ask her myself if I wasn't so scared of her. In that perspective, I guess you're lucky she's your mother. You won't have to worry about whether or not she might kill you." She paused, "Then again... I think we were probably the most famous case of mother-daughter hatred."

Nila smirked, "At least I can keep a secret."

* Author's note - I really hope you enjoyed!!! Be sure to leave a comment or vote down below and I'll try and update this tonight.
IMPORTANT NOTE - I have a cyber security competition over the next two weeks, and so I may not update so frequently. But don't worry, I still love you all and I PROMISE to get at least ONE chapter out every day ❤️ Sarah xxx

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