Chapter 27

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Snow White tossed and turned in her cell, a cool wind blowing in from the windows. She had hardly touched her dinner, although it didn't look too appetising anyway.

Zelena strode in. She was wearing a black, sparkly dress she had 'borrowed' from her sister, and the look was finished off with a black hat.

"Not feeling hungry?" She asked, kicking the food tray with her feet.

"As if I'd eat anything you gave me," The princess retorted, "And I wouldn't look so victorious if I were you. You haven't won."

Zelena cackled, "You and my sister have one thing in common then. You can't accept the fact you failed. Your mission to stop me, her plan to destroy everyone's happy endings... Oh right, I actually achieved the last one."

"What does that mean? You haven't destroyed our happiness, and you won't ever succeed anyway, because we have something you don't."

"And what's that?"


It was the one thing Snow was counting on at that very moment. Nila's ability to escape made the princess certain that there was another way out. She just had to find it.

The witch stared at her, locked away in the cell, lying on the bed in despair. She seemed to enjoy watching others suffer, a personality trait that most of the Mills family had inherited from their ancestors. Either that or it was the effect Rumplestiltskin had in their lives. Afterall, before learning magic, before she told a secret - Regina was a lovely young lady. Just like her daughter.

"What good does hope get you? My dear Snow, I thought you knew by now. Power is how you get things." This woman seemed to be quite smart, a quick thinker. Maybe the way to get inside her head was to play mind games. Make her feel unimportant.

"You see, my sister, she got everything. The kingdom, Rumple, the dark curse and a mother. What did I get? A father that could never understand me. Because I had magic, because I was different."

"Oh... so you're lonely?" The princess concurred, "You need love!"

Zelena scoffed, "Love? Of course Snow White would tell me I need love. Another woman defining her happiness relative to the love of a man. Sad, really."

Snow stood up, and placed her head between the bars. "Zelena, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous." The witch's face seemed to fill with anger.

"I'm not jealous." She snarled. "Not of you, not of anyone. And you can tell your friends that when they try to rescue you, I'll be waiting. And we both know my little sister will never be as strong as me."

"And why's that?"

"Because, no matter how hard she tries to hide it, the darkness will always be a part of her. At least I own my wickedness, I'm not trying to change myself for my boyfriend." Zelena sniggered. "Tata!" She waved frivolously before raising her arm and disappearing in a cloud of green smoke.

The witch was powerful, there was no doubt. Just how powerful, she didn't know. Another thing the princess didn't know was that both her husband and Regina had been watching the entire scene unfold. They knew exactly where Snow was, they just needed to rescue her.

"What's the plan?" Charming asked, worried for his wife. The only problem was that the queen was unsure how to proceed. Her sister was indeed stronger than her, so using magic would be pretty useful. But it was all she had. The darkness. The only people that could even attempt to fight Zelena were either dead, or preoccupied. Who knew what Emma Swan was up to right now? She could be getting smashed in a club in New York, for all the queen knew. Actually, she'd rather not imagine that scene. Not with the knowledge that her son was most likely waiting at home.

Nila burst into the room, "Regina," she was holding the book of records in her hands.

"Why didn't you tell me about your daughter, Why did you-" The queen shushed the girl.

"Now is not the time. I'm a little busy right now."

"Can you please just listen to me? For once?" Her mother sighed, before gesturing to continue. "I found this in the book of records, read it."

Regina raised her eyebrows before taking the book. She made eye contact with her daughter, skimmed the unimportant bits, and then read aloud an extract from prophecy number thirty-four. "The only one powerful enough to defeat the wicked sorceress is the product of the truest love, born into darkness."

It was Nila. It was the description used in the other prophecy and Regina knew immediately what it meant. Her daughter had to go head to head with the wicked witch of the west. She was their only hope.

Because right now, that's all they had.

* Author's note - I did this on my computer instead of my ipad, and the formatting went really weird so apologies for that! Anyway, hope you enjoyed part 1 of the finale and I'll see you all tomorrow morning for Chapter 28? As always, leave a vote and comment down below. Lot's of love. <333 Sarah xxx

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