Chapter 19

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All I can do is stare straight ahead. The fire looks like the flames on my dress and the charcoal stained walls reminds me of District 13.

Peeta is in his kitchen doing something and he has locked the front door so that I can't run away again.

He hasn't said anything since he pulled me from the tree. I can't believe he saved me. He dosent love me. Why would he save me ?

"Katniss..." I hear Peeta almost whisper.

I don't say anything instead I just turn to face him.

"Are you ready to talk about it" he murmurs.

"Yes, I think so" is all I can manage to say.

He comes over and sits on the small coffee table I front of me. He takes my hands and balances his elbows on his knees. He tries to find my eyes but I can't look at him. Not when I know the truth ....

"Katniss why did you do that"


"What, do you find this funny Katniss, because I sure as hell don't. what was going through your mind" he's almost crying.

"You were going through my mind Peeta.... I know that you don't love me anymore and that's why you left"

"What are you talking about ... I left BECAUSE I love you and I don't want to hurt you with my flashbacks !"

"What... you think that just because your flashbacks happen that I'm not able to handle you... I'm so much crazier than you.."

"I don't want to hurt you"

We're both screaming at eachother ... I'm saying things about him not loving me ....he's defending himself saying he does.

We continue roaring at eachother until I get up and try to leave.

"What are you doing Katniss ?"

"Trying to leave , is it not obvious enough ?"

"Don't be ridiculous"

"Why .. why not .... if you really love me so much then do something about it.."

He stares at me blankly. I just scoff and turn towards the door. I feel a hand grab my wrist and pull me back.

Peeta turns me around and kisses me.

"There....." is all he says.

I just look him in the eyes. He gets up and unlocks the door.

"I can see that that's not what you wanted" he says opening the door.

He walks away from the door and leaves it open for me to leave. I get up and walk towards the door. I close it and walk up behind Peeta. I engulf him in a hug from behind.

"Stay with me " I whisper in his ear.

He turns around and kisses me.

"Always" he whispers back "Always"

A/N : Comment if you get my Silver Linings Playbook reference 😍

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