Controlled (chapter 2)

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(Warning strong kissing scene and nsfw but I don't go into detail)


I'm done here. Tommy and Tubbo aren't coming back. I've controlled Karl enough to figure some things out. I'll let him go now. I didn't hear their plan but I do know they plan to kill me. I have George with me so I'll be fine as long as I keep him happy. I'm not even controlling George anymore, he's so crazy for me. "Dreamie!" George said and walked into my room. I ignored him. He let Tommy and Tubbo get away. "Are you ignoring me? That's kinda cute dreamie.." George said. "What the fuck." I said. Me doing anything is cute or hot to George. It's kinda creepy. George came over to me and sat on my lap facing me. "Don't you think I'm cute too?" George asked. He looked at me and didn't look away even when I looked at him. "Yeah sure your cute" I said. I couldn't care less what happens to George. I only pretend to be interested in him so he doesn't leave me. "My Dream called me cute!" George said. He kissed my cheek. I guess I didn't lie there. He is kinda cute but I don't think of him as a boyfriend. I think of George as a toy. If I don't want him anymore I'll throw him away. I'll use him till he breaks. I grabbed George's face and kissed him. George seemed happy. He opened his mouth a little leaving room for me to slip my tongue in. I made sure no part of George's mouth wasn't touched by me. I let go of the kiss. George pushed me down on the bed still sitting on my lap. I grabbed George's waist and put him on the bottom of me. "Dream.." George moaned. He looked out of breath from the kiss. "Don't worry I'll try not to hurt you.." I said.

Now gogy is pregnant. Nah jk.


"Tubbo how do you know the plan will work?" I asked. "I don't..." Tubbo said. "You could be in danger with this if it doesn't work. Maybe I should take your spot." I said. I'm concerned for Tubbo. He never does anything this risky. I don't want him to get hurt again. "No it's fine, I'll be okay" Tubbo said. I gave Tubbo a kiss. "I just don't want you to hurt yourself." I said. "I won't" Tubbo said. "If the plan works we can spend Christmas together without worrying" I said. "I forgot about Christmas!" Tubbo said. "How'd you forget about Christmas!?" I said. "Eeekk" Tubbo said. I laughed at Tubbo and grabbed his hand. "Let's head home" I said. Tubbo nodded and we walked home. "Wait is that someone in the snow?!" Tubbo said. He ran over to what looked like a person. "KARL" Tubbo said. Karl laid in the snow on his back. It looks like he coughed up blood on the snow but the blood is black. He had black blood all over his mouth. "What the fuck happened" I asked. "I don't know! We need to bring him home" Tubbo said. I hesitated to agree. Last time I brought him to our house he tried to kick Tubbo out. "Fine" I finally said. I carried Karl because Tubbo was to weak to. We walked home and put Karl on the couch. Tubbo go towels. He cleaned the blood from Karl's mouth. "I can't tell what happened to him until he wakes up" Tubbo said. Techno is a doctor and taught Tubbo about what he knows. "So we just have to wait?" I asked. "Yeah, we can't do anything now" Tubbo said. I sighed and said, "Let's go to bed then. Karl might wake up tomorrow" Tubbo nodded. I don't trust Karl. Tubbo and I laid down next to each other. I hugged Tubbo. "Goodnight my love" I said. "Goodnight" Tubbo said.


Sorry about that dream and George part. I just wanted to. ALSO sorry for taking so long to make the next part. Im finally caught up with school so parts will come out every day hopefully. Thank you for all the reads and comments. Reading your comments makes me happy!

715 words

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