Hes lost

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Last night was so fun, me and Tommy danced and I won the race. Maybe I'll be able to escape my dad once and for all. I looked over at Tommy who was still sound asleep. I should go downstairs and ask Wilbur for help putting the bed back. I went downstairs quietly not trying to wake Tommy up. I went into Wilburs room and didn't see him. He must be outside already. I walked outside and didn't see him. "Wilbur?" I said. I ran upstairs and woke up Tommy. "It's so early Tubbo, what's wrong?" Tommy said half asleep. "Wilburs gone!" I said. Tommy wasn't asleep anymore. He got up and went downstairs. I waited in his room for him to come back. I heard faint talking in the other room then Tommy came back into his room. "Techno and philza are going to go and find him." Tommy said. "Okay, what should we do then?" I said. "Philza said we have to wait here but I don't want to wait. Tubbo do you think we could hide your wings?" Tommy said looking at my wings. Tommy some how got my wings hidden and we went outside. Philza and techno were already out looking for Wilbur. "Let's go into town and check, okay?" Tommy said grabbing my hand. "Okay" I said walking with Tommy. We searched all over town and couldn't find him. Tommy said he's probably at someone's house. We walked over to many houses but he wasn't their. When we walked up to the last house tommy knocked on the door. "Hello?" A voice said. The door opened and a boy with a colorful hoodie stepped out. "Karl! close the door it's cold!!" Another voice said. "Come inside" Karl said closing the door behind us. Another person walked up to us, this person was shorter than Karl and was wearing a beanie. "Tommy!" The taller person said. "Big Q! We're looking for Wilbur is he here?" Tommy said. I stayed quite and tried to hide behind Tommy. "I'm not sure, we only just got here a few minutes ago. I can go get dream, Sapnap, or George for you if you want." Karl said. "Yes please" Tommy said. Karl walked away and the taller person stayed. "Quackity is today a special day or something?" Tommy said. "Yeah, it's Karl, Sapnap and my 1 year anniversary tomorrow. We want to spend the night together though." Quackity said. "Happy anniversary I guess?" Tommy said. I'm guessing Tommy doesn't know what that is. "Who's this?" Quackity said looking behind Tommy and looking at me. "Oh uh, this is my friend." Tommy said. "Does your friend have a name?" Quackity said. "My name is Tubbo" I said quietly. "Its nice to meet you Tubbo" quackity said. Karl came back with three other people with him. "Why are you here and who is that?" The tallest blonde boy said. "I'm looking for Wilbur and this is Tubbo my friend" Tommy said pulling me behind him. "We haven't seen Wilbur at all today. If you want you can wait here for a little." A boy with white glasses said. "Thank you George" Tommy said sitting down. I sat next to him and three of the people went upstairs. "Tubbo stand up for a second please" the tall boy said. I stood up confused and the tall boy took off my jacket which was hiding my wings. My wings popped out and hit the tall boy. "I KNEW IT! YOU WERE THE PERSON TOMMY WAS WITH THAT NIGHT I CAME OVER" the tall boy said. I froze up. I couldn't move. "Dream leave him alone." Tommy said standing in front of me. I could hear hear Tommy and dream arguing but I could actually hear them. I'm gonna die.


I woke up again still in schlatts basement. My face and head hurt so much. I could tell schlatt hit me more times after I passed out. "Im getting bored of you, so tell me where the winged person is or I'll just kill you now." Schlatt said taking out his sword. I stayed silent and schlatt cut the word "bitch" into my arm. It hurt so badly but I didn't cry or scream. "Your so fucking useless Wilbur." Schlatt said. I closed my eyes knowing he was going to kill me. I heard the sound of a sword then nothing...


Well uh, Wilburs dead. Thank you for 800+ reads! If you have any ideas for this story tell me. I might add your idea to it. Next chapter out soon!!

772 words

Falling for U (Tubboinnit, Tubbo x Tommy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat